media release (18-034MR)

Operators of 'binary options trading boiler room' banned following conviction


ASIC has permanently banned Jana Jaros and Jackson Laurence Malcolm Capper from providing financial services or from engaging in any credit activities after they were convicted and sentenced on charges brought by ASIC.

In November 2017, Ms Jaros and Mr Cooper were convicted and sentenced for operating a financial services business without a licence and lodging false documents to ASIC containing false or misleading material (refer: 13-378MR).

Ms Jaros and Mr Cooper have the right to appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of ASIC's decision.


Under the Corporations Act, ASIC may make a banning order against a person if the person is convicted of a fraud-related offence.

ASIC's MoneySmart website has useful information for clients of advisers to help them understand what to do if their adviser has been banned and other tips for all investors on how to avoid scams.