Unlicensed carried over instrument lenders register

This register lists all unlicensed carried over instrument lenders notified to ASIC, including any prescribed unlicensed carried over instrument lenders.

A carried over instrument (COI) is a credit contract that was:

  • made, and was in force immediately before, 1 July 2010 and
  • subject to the old Credit Code (the Uniform Consumer Credit Code or UCCC)

An unlicensed COI lender is a credit provider or lessor with COIs who will not offer new credit contracts or consumer leases on or after 1 July 2010, and has opted to comply with the statutory regime rather than register and apply for an Australian credit licence.

For more information on COI lenders refer to INFO 110: Lenders with carried-over-instruments.

ASIC is required to establish and maintain a public register of unlicensed COI lenders under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2).

What does the register contain?

The following details are included in the register of unlicensed carried over instrument lenders:

  • the lender's name (including the lender's principal business name if any)
  • the ABN - if the lender has one
  • their postal address
  • their principal business address if different to the postal address (or an alternative address if one applies)
  • if the lender is prescribed:
  • the reason why the lender is prescribed
  • the name of the registered person or credit licensee nominated as the representative of the prescribed unlicensed COI lender and
  • the name of External Dispute Resolution Scheme (EDRS) scheme of which the unlicensed COI lender is a member -- if any.

The following abbreviations have been used in this register:

  • EDR Scheme - External Dispute Resolution Scheme
  • FOS - Financial Ombudsman Service
  • CIO - Credit and Investments Ombudsman

Last updated: 01/01/2025 10:09