RG 67 Real estate companies

Issued 23 November 2015

This guide sets out our policy on relief from certain provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 for the sale and valuation of shares in a real estate company.

It gives guidance on:

  • our general policy on relief (including what is a ‘real estate company’ for the purposes of this guide)
  • what relief is available from the requirements in Ch 6D for an offer to sell shares in a real estate company by or on behalf of the owner of the shares (the vendor) (fundraising relief), and
  • what relief is available from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services licence (licensing relief) for:
    • licensed real estate agents when offering shares in a real estate company for sale, and
    • persons providing valuations of shares in a real estate company (valuers).

Download RG 67 (PDF 228 KB)

Last updated: 07/12/2006 12:00