REP 375 National Financial Literacy Stocktake Survey 2013

Released 18 October 2013.

In 2013, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) undertook a review of Australia’s National Financial Literacy Strategy, published in 2011, to take stock of progress and develop a refreshed framework for action that addresses key priorities for the next three years.

In online stocktake survey of Australian financial literacy initiatives—the National Financial Literacy Stocktake Survey (2013 Stocktake Survey)—was conducted as part of the consultation process. This report documents the survey responses. This ‘snapshot’ provides an opportunity to reflect on current financial literacy offerings in Australia.

The report summarises key findings before providing more detail on each initiative, including, where relevant:

  • the type of initiative;
  • when it was first implemented;
  • the location(s) of delivery;
  • the topic(s) covered;
  • the delivery method(s);
  • the target audience(s);
  • the delivery partner(s);
  • whether it has been independently evaluated;
  • whether it is provided in a language other than English; and
  • any other financial literacy initiatives offered by the organisation that are not listed separately.

This report should be read in conjunction with the feedback report on the consultation: see Report 374 Shaping a National Financial Literacy Strategy for 2014–17: Consultation feedback report (REP 374). Both reports will inform the National Financial Literacy Strategy for 2014–17 (2014–17 Strategy).

Download REP 375 (PDF 1,927 KB)


Last updated: 18/10/2013 12:00