REP 663 Regulator Performance Framework: ASIC self-assessment 2018-19

Released 19 June 2020

The Regulator Performance Framework (Framework) provides a set of six common key performance indicators (KPIs) for Australian Government regulators.

This report assesses ASIC’s performance in 2018–19 and so pre-dates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since this report was originally prepared, ASIC has recognised and responded to the impact of the pandemic on Australian financial services market participants and consumers. We have taken action so industry participants can focus on immediate priorities and the needs of their customers at this difficult time.

ASIC is focusing its regulatory efforts on challenges created by the pandemic and other matters where there is the risk of significant consumer harm, serious breaches of the law, risks to market integrity and time-critical matters. Details of our responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and our expectations of industry at this time are set out on our website.

Download the report (PDF 389KB)

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About the Regulator Performance Framework

Last updated: 30/03/2021 09:24