Annual compliance certificates for credit licensees

This is Information Sheet 135 (INFO 135). It is for credit licensees. This information sheet provides guidance on how to comply with your obligation to lodge an annual compliance certificate.

After 4 July 2018 you no longer need to pay a fee when you lodge your annual compliance certificate. This will be funded by the ongoing annual cost recovery levies.

PLEASE NOTE: To cancel your licence you must lodge a Form CL08. Do not assume your licence will automatically lapse if you do not lodge an annual compliance certificate. Failure to lodge a certificate by the due date is a breach of the law and there are significant criminal and civil penalties for credit licensees who fail to lodge the certificate.

Information sheets provide concise guidance on a specific process or compliance issue or an overview of detailed guidance.

This information sheet was reissued in July 2018.

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Last updated: 20/10/2014 12:00