Contact us

On this page:

What information can we provide?

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We can provide:

  • Information to persons who are authorised to act on behalf of the entity for which they are calling. If you are not authorised, we can only provide general information and no specific entity information will be disclosed.
  • Information to assist you in meeting your obligations under the law without considering your personal circumstances.

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We cannot provide:

  • Legal advice. In most cases you will need a qualified professional adviser to take your particular circumstances into account and tell your how the law applies to you.
  • Financial advice. See Moneysmart for guidance.
  • Advice on specific companies or investments. See FAQ Is this investment or company legitimate? for research tips.

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Top call centre questions

If you are contacting us for the following reasons, check our Top call centre questions first, as your question may be answered immediately.

Top call centre question categories:

Transactions that cannot be dealt with over the phone:

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How to contact us

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Make a complaint or report an issue

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External translating and interpreting services

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

If you need an interpreter, call the TIS on 131 450 and they will call ASIC for you (1300 300 630). Alternatively, visit the TIS website. They provide interpreting in more than 150 languages.

Animated banner - TIS Interpreter service in multiple languages

Note: All documents lodged with ASIC must be in English. See Translation of documents for further information.

National Relay Service (NRS)

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech/communication difficulty:

  1. Refer to NRS call numbers and links website to find your preferred channel for contacting NRS.
  2. Provide NRS with ASIC's phone number 1300 300 630.

For more information visit About the National Relay Service.

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Useful links

Last updated: 05/03/2025 03:16