Accessibility Committee Our Accessibility Committee seeks to create workplaces and services that all Australians can access without exclusion.
Multicultural Committee Our Multicultural Committee is committed to programs and services that meet the needs of all Australians, regardless of their cultural and linguistic background.
Parents And Carers Network Our Parent and Carers Network seeks to serve, support, and empower ASIC’s men and women in their parenting and caring journey, and the intersection with their careers.
Rainbow Network Our Rainbow Network works to promote a culture that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) team member throughout their careers at ASIC.
RAP Committee Guided by our RAP Committee, we are committed to providing services and resource the Indigenous consumers and investors in a manner that is equitable, responsive and relevant to their needs.
Women In ASIC When in ASIC are focused on improving gender diversity in leadership and enabling women to achieve theyr career goals in an environment that offers opportunity, flexibility and choice.
Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023–25