media release

06-367 ASIC crackdown on banned directors


ASIC has launched a national surveillance initiative to ensure that company officers banned from managing companies are complying with disqualification requirements and refraining from being involved in the management of companies.

The focus of the campaign will be on company officers who have been disqualified as a result of being involved with two or more failed companies within a seven year period.

‘Individuals who continue to manage corporations or remain involved in making decisions that affect a business, while disqualified, are breaking the law’, ASIC’s Executive Director of Consumer Protection, Mr Greg Tanzer, said.

‘ASIC will directly contact banned individuals to ensure they are complying with their disqualification orders and will conduct further surveillances if it has concerns they may be acting in breach of the law’, Mr Tanzer said.

ASIC undertook a similar campaign in 2005, aimed at bankrupts managing corporations, which saw surveillance activity undertaken in relation to 112 individuals.

‘Anyone continuing to act in deliberate breach of their disqualification will be the subject of criminal proceedings’, Mr Tanzer said.

Search the database of banned individuals

Complaints about suspected disqualified individuals managing corporations can be lodged with ASIC online or by writing to any of our capital city offices across Australia:

National Assessment & Action
GPO Box 9827


Under section 206F of the Corporations Act, ASIC may disqualify a person from managing a corporation for up to five years provided a person has been the director of two or more failed corporations within seven years that have been wound up and their liquidator has lodged a report with ASIC regarding the corporation’s inability to pay its debts.

Since 1 July 2005, ASIC has banned 40 company officers under this section of the law.

The offence of managing a corporation while disqualified carries a maximum penalty of $5,500 or imprisonment for one year or both.