media release

08-109 Former bank employee permanently banned from providing financial services


ASIC has permanently banned Mrs Regina Bouskila, of North Bondi, Sydney, from providing financial services.

Mrs Bouskila, 50, was an employee of the Commonwealth Bank for 25 years and at the time of the offences was a Branch Manager in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.

On 22 occasions between August 2000 and March 2006, Mrs Bouskila took possession of customers' money without their authority for her personal use.

Mrs Bouskila intercepted bank statements prepared by the bank, and produced documents purporting to be bank statements reflecting the status of the customers' accounts as they expected to find them, with no reference to the unauthorised transactions.

The Commonwealth Bank has since reimbursed all affected customers for a total amount of $3,109,549.93, which includes the actual money defrauded and compensation for any lost interest.

Mrs Bouskila has the right to lodge an application for a review of ASIC’s decision with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

[This media release was amended on 18 May 2018 in accordance with ASIC policy - see INFO 152 Public comment on ASIC's regulatory activities.]