media release

08-200 ASIC releases final guidance to improve disclosure by unlisted mortgage and property schemes


ASIC today released final regulatory guides aimed at improving disclosure to retail investors by unlisted mortgage schemes and unlisted property schemes.

The release of this guidance is another important step forward in ASIC’s work in improving disclosure for unlisted property related retail investments.

ASIC Chairman Tony D’Aloisio said ‘We thank the many stakeholders who provided valuable submissions and comments on this work. We will now work with them to implement this enhanced disclosure for the benefit of retail investors and the sector.’

As with its work in the unlisted and unrated debentures, ASIC has produced companion investor guides for both sectors to assist investors in understanding the enhanced disclosure and make better informed investment decisions. These guides will be released later this month in time to be provided to investors with the enhanced disclosures.

Mortgage and property fund managers, industry and consumer groups, advisers, valuers, auditors, ratings agencies and financial planners together made over 50 submissions in response to ASIC’s consultation papers released on 7 July 2008.

In response to the submissions it received, ASIC has:

  • modified certain aspects of the benchmarks and disclosure principles and advertising guidance in the regulatory guides;
  • clarified the method of communication of the information to retail investors; and
  • modified the implementation timetables.

ASIC encourages responsible entities to communicate the enhanced disclosure information to investors in the most efficient and effective way possible and using existing investor communication channels (e.g. by the scheme’s website and regular investor reports) where possible.

ASIC also encourages responsible entities, compliance committees and compliance plan auditors to engage with this guidance in a timely manner.

Accompanying the regulatory guides are:

  • A report outlining the submissions received together with reasons why ASIC may have followed or not followed certain suggestions; and
  • A Regulation Impact Statement demonstrating that the benefits outweigh the cost of compliance in this exercise.

ASIC’s team will continue to work with unlisted property and mortgage fund responsible entities to assist them in practically implementing the enhanced disclosure in line with the modified implementation timetable.


The $42 billion under management in the unlisted retail mortgage scheme sector and the $28 billion unlisted retail property scheme sector are part of the $1.6 trillion total unconsolidated funds under management.

Benchmarks for unlisted mortgage schemes


1. Liquidity


This addresses the scheme’s ability to satisfy withdrawal requests and other operational commitments.


2. Scheme borrowing


This addresses the scheme’s policy on borrowing.


3. Portfolio diversification


This addresses the scheme’s lending practices and portfolio risk.


4. Related party transactions


This addresses the risks associated with related-party lending, investments and transactions.


5. Valuation policy


This addresses the scheme’s valuation practices.


6. Lending principles - loan-to-valuation ratios


This addresses the scheme’s properly-related lending practices


7. Distribution practices


This addresses the transparency of the scheme’s distribution practices.


8. Withdrawal arrangements


This addresses the transparency of the responsible entity’s approach to withdrawals of investments.

Disclosure principles for unlisted property schemes


1. Gearing ratio


This indicates the extent to which a scheme’s assets are funded by external liabilities.


2. Interest cover


This indicates the scheme’s ability to meet interest payments from earnings.


3. Scheme borrowing


This requires information on the scheme’s borrowing maturity and credit facility expiry and any associated risks, including loan covenant information.


4. Portfolio diversification


This addresses the scheme’s investment practices and portfolio risk.


5. Valuation policy


This addresses the scheme’s valuation practices.


6. Related party transactions


This addresses the risks associated with related-party lending, investments and transactions.


7. Distribution practices


This addresses the transparency of the scheme’s distribution practices.


8. Withdrawal rights


This requires information where a scheme gives investors withdrawal rights.


End of release
