ASIC has today launched significantly enhanced corporate governance content on its website, to improve accessibility of ASIC’s corporate governance messages.
ASIC recognises the importance of Australian companies adopting good corporate governance practices. A key component of ASIC fulfilling its strategic priorities is acting to positively influence corporate governance practices in Australia.
ASIC Commissioner John Price said, 'Good corporate governance is the foundation upon which investor trust and confidence in companies is built. It is only through good governance that fair, orderly, transparent and efficient markets can be achieved'.
To provide support for companies and their officers seeking to understand their obligations and also improve their practices, ASIC is making its public messages about corporate governance more easily accessible.
ASIC regularly comments on corporate governance issues in speeches and published articles, as well as through its more traditional avenues of Regulatory Guides and Information Sheets.
The new corporate governance webpage conveniently includes all of these published corporate governance messages in the one location.
The new webpage is located at: