ASIC has permanently banned Mr Sandeep Madhoji from providing financial services or engaging in credit activity after he was sentenced to imprisonment for fraud charges. This prosecution was the result of a joint operation between the Queensland Police Service and ASIC.
The charges stemmed from conduct that occurred between 2 September 2010 and 11 July 2012. During this period, Mr Madhoji misused clients' funds by applying some client's funds to cover the loss made on other client portfolios.
As a result of Mr Madhoji's actions, 14 clients collectively lost $3,251,281. These losses were incurred by Mr Madhoji using his recommended trading strategy.
Mr Madhoji made false statements to his licence holder Redwood Capital Group and to his clients to conceal his losses. He acted outside his authority by making multiple unauthorised transfers and withdrawals from the accounts to hide the losses. Mr Madhoji also falsified client account statements in relation to the relevant transactions.
Mr Madhoji committed these offences to enhance his reputation to clients and create an illusion that he was a highly successful trader.
ASIC Deputy Chairman Peter Kell said, 'Dishonesty by any financial advisor will not be tolerated by ASIC. We will investigate and prosecute instances of dishonesty to ensure that consumers have confidence in the financial system.'
On 26 August 2016, Mr Madhoji was sentenced to 7.5 years imprisonment with a non-parole period of 22 months in the Brisbane District court on 55 charges of fraud under sections 408C of the Queensland Criminal Code.
Mr Madhoji was an Authorised Representative under Redwood Capital Group Pty Ltd, AFSL No. 289327. AFSL No. 289327 held by Redwood Capital Pty Ltd was cancelled on 9 April 2013.
Mr Madhoji's status as an Authorised Representative was ceased on 1 July 2012.
This matter was prosecuted by the Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions.