media release (18-152MR)

Former company director charged with breaching his director duties


Mr Edward Harold Pye, of Fairney View, Queensland has appeared in the Ipswich Magistrates’ Court charged with two counts breaching his duties while a director of ERH Transport Services Pty Ltd (ERH).

Following an investigation, ASIC alleges that in 2014, on two separate occasions, Mr Pye dishonestly used his position to transfer $25,000 and $550,000 of ERH Transport Services Pty Ltd funds to himself and another person.

At the time of the alleged conduct, Mr Pye was the sole director of ERH Transport Services Pty Ltd.

The matter was in Court on 17 May 2018. Mr Pye did not enter a plea.It was adjourned for further mention hearing at the Ipswich Magistrates Court on 28 June 2018. 

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions is prosecuting the matter.


Mr Pye has been charged with two counts of dishonest use of position with the intention of directly or indirectly gaining an advantage for himself or someone else under section 184 of the Corporations Act.

Mr Adam Ward and Mr Michael Griffin of Worrells Solvency & Forensic Accountants were appointed as joint and several liquidators of ERH Transport Services Pty Ltd on 30 July 2014.

ASIC was assisted in its investigation following a receipt of a supplementary report that was lodged by Mr Ward who alleged misappropriation of ERH Transport Services Pty Ltd funds.

Editor's note:

On 28 June 2018, the matter was adjourned to 26 July 2018.

Editor's note 2:

The matter has been adjourned until 23 August 2018.

Editor's note 3:

Following an indictment presentation on 4 February 2019, the matter was adjourned to 8 March 2019 for further mention.

Editor's note 4:

The matter has been adjourned for further mention on 22 March 2019.

Editor's note 5:

On 22 March 2019, the matter was committed for trial before the District Court at Brisbane. The trial date is set down for 5 April 2019.

Editor's note 6:

On 5 April 2019, the matter was mentioned in the Brisbane District Court. The matter was set down for trial in the Brisbane District Court for the week commencing 5 August 2019.

Editor's note 7:

On 5 August 2019, Mr Pye pleaded guilty before the Brisbane District Court to two counts of dishonestly using his position to gain an advantage for himself and/or another person. The matter was set down for an arraignment on 15 August 2019 in the Brisbane District Court.