media release (23-006MR)

Commissioner Sean Hughes to depart ASIC


ASIC Commissioner Sean Hughes will end his term as Commissioner on 3 February 2023, after accepting a role in the commercial sector.

ASIC Chair Joe Longo said ‘We are grateful for the contribution Sean has made to ASIC in his role as Commissioner and wish him well in the next stage of his career.’

Mr Hughes was due to end his five-year term on 1 December 2023. The appointment of an ASIC commissioner is determined by the Treasurer.

ASIC’s Commission will continue to work via a whole-of-ASIC approach, with current members Chair Longo, Deputy Chairs Sarah Court and Karen Chester, and Commissioner Danielle Press, working with the Chief Operating Officer and the Executive Team.  


Mr Hughes has had previous senior positions with ASIC, including from 2008-2010 as Senior Executive Leader for Corporate Governance and Corporations. From 1999-2003, he held a number of senior executive roles including as Director, Financial Services Regulation.