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5024 media releases found
26 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-154MR Melbourne adviser permanently banned by ASIC

ASIC has permanently banned Subeer Luthra from providing financial services and engaging in credit activities because of his dishonest conduct. This ...

25 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-153MR Computer hacker Steven Oakes jailed for unauthorised access and insider trading

IT consultant Steven Oakes has today been sentenced in the County Court at Melbourne to a total effective sentence of three years imprisonment, and ...

25 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-152MR ASIC commences Federal Court action against former Murray Goulburn executives Gary Helou and Bradley Hingle

ASIC has commenced proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia in Melbourne against former managing director of Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co. ...

25 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-151MR ASIC further suspends the AFS licence of BBY Ltd

ASIC has extended the suspension of the Australian financial services (AFS) licence held by BBY Limited (BBY) until *31 May 2020, effective 27 May ...

24 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-150MR ASIC disqualifies director of Cairns-based tour companies from managing companies for maximum five-year period

ASIC has disqualified Mr Leigh Jorgensen of Cairns, QLD, from managing companies for the maximum period of five years as a result of his involvement ...

21 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-149MR ASIC amends fees and cost disclosure to align with Protecting Your Super Package laws

ASIC has amended Class Order 14/1252 [CO 14/1252] to ensure it is consistent with the Treasury Laws Amendment (Protecting Your Superannuation ...

21 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-148MR ASIC reports on decisions to cut red tape – October 2018 to March 2019

ASIC has helped the law work better for business by granting over 700 applications for relief between 1 October 2018 and 31 March 2019. ASIC’s ...

19 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-147MR AAT upholds ASIC ban of client adviser for trading in ‘MINI’ warrants

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has affirmed ASIC’s decision to ban Mark Menzies, the sole director and officer of Menzies Securities Pty ...

19 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-146MR ASIC announces further add-on insurance refunds, bringing total to over $130 million

ASIC is today announcing additional significant refund programs by insurers for the sale of add-on insurance by car dealers, and has now secured a ...

18 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-145MR ASIC approves AFCA Rules change for legacy complaints

ASIC has approved changes to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) Rules which give effect to the AFCA authorisation condition ...

Last updated: 04/07/2023 01:12