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5024 media releases found
19-164MR New regime for corporate whistleblower protections commences today

From today, whistleblowers who report misconduct about companies and company officers can access stronger rights and protections in the Corporations ...

19-163MR ASIC publishes submissions and announces public hearings on responsible lending guidance

ASIC will hold public hearings as part of the wider public consultation on its guidance on the responsible lending obligations. This consultation ...

28 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-162MR ASIC approves an updated Banking Code of Practice

ASIC has approved an updated version of the Australian Banking Association's (ABA's) new Banking Code of Practice (the Code). Since ASIC approved ...

28 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-161MR ASIC disqualifies Queensland director from managing companies for five years

ASIC has disqualified Lauren Darwin, Mount Gravatt, QLD from managing companies for the maximum period of five years due to her involvement in two ...

27 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-160MR APRA and ASIC publish latest data on life insurance claims and disputes

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has released its Life Insurance Claims and Disputes Statistics publication, covering a rolling ...

27 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-159MR ASIC consults on proposed market integrity rules for technological and operational resilience

ASIC has released a consultation paper proposing new market integrity rules for securities and futures market operators and participants that promote ...

27 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-158MR Beenleigh financial adviser banned for five years

ASIC has banned Beenleigh financial adviser Frazer Jon Muscat from providing financial services for a period of five years following an ASIC ...

26 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-157MR ASIC consults on new product intervention power use

Today ASIC initiated consultation on the proposed administration of its new product intervention power. The product intervention power allows ASIC ...

26 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-156MR ASIC cancels the AFS licence of Guarded Pty Ltd

ASIC has cancelled the Australian financial services (AFS) licence of Sydney-based Guarded Pty Ltd (Guarded) for failure to comply with financial ...

26 June 2019 MEDIA RELEASE
19-155MR Industry funding: Cost Recovery Implementation Statement and estimated 2018-19 levies

Estimated industry sector levies for 2018-19, as well as details on how ASIC allocated its regulatory costs in 2017-18, are available in ASIC’s Cost ...

Last updated: 04/07/2023 01:12