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5024 media releases found
29 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-330MR ASIC remakes 'sunsetting' class order providing licensing relief for trustees of wholesale equity schemes

ASIC has remade Class Order [CO 07/74] Wholesale equity schemes: Licensing relief for trustees, which provides relief, in specified circumstances, to ...

29 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-329MR Former Victorian financial adviser banned for forgery

The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has permanently banned financial adviser Koresh Daniel Houghton from providing financial ...

28 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-328MR ASIC repeals ‘sunsetting’ class orders relating to prime broking and holding client assets

ASIC has repealed three class orders relating to prime broking and the holding of client assets, which were due to expire (‘sunset’) on 1 October ...

28 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-327MR OpenMarkets Australia pays $200,000 infringement notice penalty

OpenMarkets Australia Limited ('OpenMarkets') has paid a penalty of $200,000 to comply with an infringement notice given to it by the ...

28 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-326MR ASIC commits to new Action Plan delivering better outcomes for Indigenous Australians

Consumer issues including car sales, credit and consumer leases headline some of the key priority areas in the National Indigenous Consumer Strategy ...

28 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-325MR ASIC provides guidance for initial coin offerings

ASIC today released guidance to help issuers of initial coin offerings (ICOs) consider their legal obligations when offering coins or tokens. ASIC ...

27 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-324MR ASIC remakes relief for financial counselling agencies providing advice or credit assistance

ASIC has made two new instruments relating to financial counselling agencies to continue the relief provided by class orders that were due to expire ...

26 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-323MR ASIC obtains orders to wind up investment and technology companies

The Supreme Court of Queensland in Brisbane has appointed Mr Michael Hill and Mr William Harris, of McGrathNicol, as joint and several liquidators of ...

22 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-322MR John Dimitropoulos permanently banned by ASIC from financial services and credit in connection with property and SMSF spruiking

ASIC has permanently banned John Dimitropoulos of Seven Hills, NSW, from providing financial services or engaging in credit activity. Mr ...

21 September 2017 MEDIA RELEASE
17-321MR ASIC facilitates crowd-sourced funding by public companies

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has released guidance for public companies and crowd-funding platform operators to ...

Last updated: 04/07/2023 01:12