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ASIC releases August 2023 financial adviser exam results


ASIC has released exam results from the 22nd Financial Advisers Exam cycle, held in August 2023.

The exam has been continuously conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) since its inception and follows a rigorous process to ensure all candidates in all cycles are held to the same standard.

In this exam cycle:

  • 205 candidates sat the August exam
  • 150 (73%) of candidates passed the August exam
  • 72% of the August candidates were sitting the exam for the first time.

As has been the practice for past exams, unsuccessful candidates will receive general feedback from ACER to highlight the curriculum areas where they have underperformed.

Candidates can contact ACER at to request a re-mark of the written response questions. Requests for a re-mark must be submitted by 21 September 2023.

Financial adviser exam sittings in 2023

The next exam sitting will be held on 9 November 2023.

Enrolments for the November sitting will open on Monday 2 October and close on Friday 20 October.

For the dates of all 2023 exam sittings, and details around eligibility to sit the exam, see ASIC releases sitting dates for 2023 financial adviser exams.

Indicative dates for exam sittings in 2024 are 15 February, 16 May, 8 August and 7 November.


To date 20,718 individual candidates have sat the exam. Over 19,172 (92%) of candidates who have sat the exam have passed, demonstrating they have the skills to apply their knowledge of advice construction, ethics and legal requirements to the practical scenarios tested in the exam.

For more information visit Financial adviser exam.

ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator.