
Guidance for consumers impacted by the Optus data breach


  • The Australian Government has released a factsheet to provide information on what to do if your data has been compromised in the recent Optus data breach.
  • If you think you may be affected by the breach, contact Optus Customer service on 133 937.
  • If you are concerned your identity has been compromised, contact your bank immediately and call IDCARE on 1800 595 160.

On 22 September 2022, Optus became the victim of a cyber attack that resulted in the disclosure of their customers’ personal information.

Information of Optus customers, such as name, date of birth, email addresses, driver’s licences, Medicare card and passport numbers, may have been exposed.

Optus will be contacting all current and former customers that have been affected.

In response to the breach, the Government has nominated the ACCC’s Scamwatch as the first point of contact for information about what customers can do to protect their information.

Scamwatch also has information about the current scams that are referencing the Optus breach.

The Government is working to minimise the impact of the Optus data breach and continues to actively look at all possible solutions to protect and reissue victims’ identity documents in the wake of the cyber attack.

Australian Government agencies have developed a factsheet about the Optus data breach.

ASIC’s Moneysmart website also has guidance on protecting yourself from identity theft.

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ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator.