news item

Notification to parties regarding Jane Rosemary Flegg


12 October 2021

On 20 July 2016, the Federal Court made Asset Preservations Orders against Jane Rosemary Flegg, former company secretary of Continental Coal Ltd (in liquidation). ASIC wishes to notify the public that the Asset Preservation Orders against Ms Flegg may be discharged.

Any individuals who believe that they may be an ‘aggrieved person’ and require the Asset Preservation Orders to remain in place should contact ASIC by no later than Tuesday, 26 October 2021 and provide ASIC with a general statement as to the basis of any claim. Please notify ASIC by contacting Brieanna Mercer at

If ASIC is not contacted by any individual ‘aggrieved persons’ by this time ASIC will seek that the Asset Preservation Orders against Ms Flegg be discharged.