
ASIC and Australia's ageing population - Adelaide speech


A speech by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Stakeholder Event (Adelaide, Australia), 27 September 2017


Good evening everyone and welcome.

It is great to be in Adelaide, particularly in the lead up to the AFL Grand Final this weekend. I am a Richmond fan, and so I feel like I am in enemy territory today!

I would like to extend a special welcome to:

  • Sean Edwards, former Senator for South Australia;
  • John Chapman, South Australian Small Business Commissioner;
  • Dini Soulio, Commissioner at Consumer and Business Services SA; and
  • Nick Begakis, Chairman of Bellis Fruit Bars.

We are also joined tonight by ASIC’s new Senior Executive Leader of the Insolvency Practitioner Team, Thea Eszenyi.  

Thea is a registered liquidator and brings over 30 years’ experience in insolvency and restructuring to ASIC.

Thea will be spending some of her time here in the Adelaide office and I am sure she will make a valued contribution to ASIC and the Insolvency Practitioners team.

Tonight I want to do something a little different.

I want to talk about something that is that is critically important – the issues that face us as we get older.