
ASIC Forum 2014: Regulating for real people markets and globalisation


Opening address by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission to the ASIC Annual Forum 2014, 24 March 2014.


Overview of the Annual Forum agenda

The theme for this year’s ASIC Annual Forum is ‘regulating for real people, markets and globalisation’.

We have chosen this theme in light of recent innovations and structural change in our financial system, in particular:

  • the growth of market-based financing and superannuation

  • a renewed focus on behavioural science

  • and finally and most importantly, the changing landscape resulting from digitisation of the economy and globalisation.

The Forum will consider how best to regulate for:

  • real people, who will not always act rationally

  • financial markets, to maximise their potential to fund economic growth while mitigating the risks (particularly systemic risk), and

  • facilitating global capital flows.

Read the full speech (PDF 90 KB)