
ASIC in 2014: Areas of focus and expected changes to the regulatory landscape


A speech by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission, to the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) conference, 31 October 2013.


It’s a real pleasure to be addressing so many governance, compliance and risk professionals. You are not only important gatekeepers for your organisation, but you also play a role in upholding the resilience of our financial system.

Today, I wanted to speak on an area of focus for ASIC – that is, responding to the challenges posed by financial-innovation driven complexity. Before I speak about financial-innovation driven complexity, I thought I’d provide a brief overview of ASIC.

About ASIC

ASIC has a growing regulatory remit in financial services and markets. We operate in a dynamic and complex environment. In this environment, we remain committed to achieving our strategic priorities:

  • confident and informed investors and financial consumers

  • fair and efficient markets

  • efficient registration and licensing.

A key force in shaping our current environment is market-based financing, which we largely regulate. It’s seen as a key source of funding economic growth in the coming decades.

Read the full speech (PDF 75 KB)