
ASIC’s Regtech Showcase – Opening remarks


A speech by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission at ASIC’s Regtech Showcase, Sydney, 18 September 2017


Good morning everyone.

Thank you all for coming along to ASIC’s Regtech Showcase event here in Sydney today.

I want to say a thank you to our host KPMG for providing the space – and the view - might I add. And I also want to thank all of our presenters, commentators and panellists.

In the spirit of regtech and fintech, this showcase has come together very quickly, partially informed by the feedback to our consultation paper on ASIC’s current and proposed approach to regtech and the work of our Innovation Hub.

It’s great to see so much of the sector represented here, as well as our fellow regulators, academics and other stakeholders.

Since we established our Innovation Hub, I have been attending as many of ASIC’s regtech and fintech meet-ups and events as I can.

I am continually impressed by the inventiveness of the new ideas, and the enthusiasm and passion behind the work being done.

I have been really excited about this event, and am very much looking forward to seeing what comes out of today’s exploration.