
Building trust and confidence: ASIC priorities


A speech by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission to the Annual Stockbrokers Conference (Melbourne, Australia) 2 June 2016


Good morning everyone. Once again, it’s great to be speaking at the Annual Stockbrokers Conference. My topic today is building trust and confidence: ASIC priorities.

Trust and confidence in markets is the key to helping them fund the real economy and create economic growth. ASIC’s fundamental objective is to allow markets to fund the real economy and in turn, economic growth. This contributes to improved standards of living for all Australians.

This is dependent on Australians having trust and confidence in our markets and is reflected in our twin regulatory strategic priorities of:

  •    investor and financial consumer trust and confidence, and
  •    fair, orderly, transparent and efficient markets.

As professionals in the stockbroking industry and gatekeepers for our markets, I know you appreciate the fundamental importance of trust and confidence in underpinning markets.

Our focus at ASIC is on being proactive and forward looking to meet our strategic priorities and face our challenges which are set out in our four-year Corporate Plan.