
Conduct in the spotlight: Views from ASIC


A speech by John Price, Commissioner, Australian Securities and Investments Commission at the Institute of Internal Auditors Australia’s Financial Services Internal Audit Conference (Sydney, Australia), 29 November 2016


Thank you for having me at your conference.

Today I would like to talk to you about a number of focus areas for ASIC:

  • I will discuss ASIC’s Corporate Plan, and some of the key risks it discusses, including how culture and incentives can drive risks in the financial system. 
  • I will discuss some target areas of focus for ASIC, including remuneration structures, conflicts of interest, breach reporting, whistleblowing and cyber security.
  • I will discuss in more detail ASIC’s focus on culture, and the practical things that leaders can do to promote a healthier culture in their organisation.

Read the full speech (PDF 191KB)