
Conquering the new frontier: Regulating for growth in the digital age


A speech by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission to The Bloomberg Address, Sydney, 26 November 2014


My topic today is ‘conquering the new frontier: regulating for growth in the digital age’ – and it is a new frontier because our lives are being transformed by innovation. In particular, through the digitisation of the ‘real’ world.

Our financial services and markets are no different. As we emerge from the global financial crisis with a focus on economic growth, success requires that we harvest the opportunities from the digital age, while also mitigating the risks.

With this in mind, I want to talk about:

  • ASIC’s role
  • the environment in which we operate
  • digital disruption, and
  • cyber security.

Read the full speech (PDF 81 KB)