
Consumer protection in financial services


An address by Jeffrey Lucy AM ASIC Chairman, at the Consumer Affairs Victoria – Third National Consumer Congress In pursuit of world class consumer policy, 17 March 2006, Melbourne.


Good Afternoon. I would like to thank Consumer Affairs Victoria for inviting me to address you today as we together pursue world-class consumer policy.

I understand that you have spent the last couple of days discussing and debating a range of consumer policy issues – from the direction in which such policy is traveling at State, Federal and global levels to the role of consumer agencies and consumers themselves.

Today, I would like to confront these issues in the context of ASIC's regulation of financial products and services. In particular, I will focus on:

  • ASIC's role as a consumer protection regulator;
  • some of our recent consumer protection activities, which span the responsibilities of both industry and consumers; and 􀂉 how ASIC intends to clear some of the challenging hurdles that lie ahead.

Read the full speech (PDF 127 KB)