
Dealing with fraud: A regulator’s perspective


A speech by John Price, Commissioner, Australian Securities and Investments Commission to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Melbourne Chapter annual seminar (Melbourne, Australia), 10 November 2015


Thank you for that introduction and for the opportunity to speak here today.
It seems fitting that the theme for today’s conference is ‘tales from the trenches’ given we are at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), where many great sporting battles have unfolded.

Today I would like to cover a few topics, including:

  • the role of ASIC and others in the financial system in detecting and dealing with fraud
  • our experience in matters the community might think of as fraud – including risk factors that might be apparent in some matters with the benefit of hindsight
  • where the future may take us when considering fraud.

Read the full speech (PDF, 95 KB)