
Putting the customer first: Creating a win–win


A speech by Greg Medcraft, Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission, CFA Australia Investment Conference (Sydney, Australia), 13 October 2015


Ladies and gentleman, it’s a pleasure today to be speaking at the CFA Australia Investment Conference.

Today my topic is: ‘Putting the customer first: Creating a win–win’.

Putting customers first builds customer trust and confidence. This is a win for the customer and a win for firms.

So today, I would like to talk about two things:

  • First, what ASIC is doing to assist investor trust and confidence:
    • in general, and
    • specifically in relation to financial advice.
  • Second, how industry can build trust and confidence, with a focus on creating a customer first culture.

My key message for today is that putting the customer first is a win for the customer, a win for the firm, and good for relations with the regulator.

Read the full speech (PDF 174KB)