
Selective disclosure of confidential price sensitive information


A speech by John Price, Commissioner, Australian Securities and Investments Commission to the Australasian Investor Relations Association, Sydney, 31 July 2013


ASIC recognises the valuable role that investor relations officers play in managing communications between listed entities and their shareholders. A sound investor relations function is an important element in ensuring that our markets are properly informed.

ASIC also acknowledges the work that AIRA does to ensure that its members are well equipped to deal with the various disclosure obligations of listed entities. AIRA’s Best practice for investor relations: Guidelines for Australasian listed entities contains useful, practical guidance on how investor relations professionals can help listed companies ensure that material information is disclosed in a fair and timely manner to a wide range of stakeholders interested in the company’s securities.

Tonight I will be speaking about three related issues:

  • firstly, the continuous disclosure obligation that applies to listed companies;

  • secondly, the handling of confidential information and the associated risks of leaks. As part of this issue I will touch on the topical issue of analyst briefings; and

  • lastly, what ASIC has been doing and will be doing in this space.


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