Fees for commonly lodged documents

This is Information Sheet 30 (INFO 30). It summarises the statutory fees payable for the most commonly lodged documents. It also advises the lodgement periods, if applicable. Fees are also shown on the guide that accompany printed forms.

Fees are determined by:

  • the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001
  • the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003
  • the National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Regulations 2010
  • the Business Names Registration (Fees) Regulations 2022, and
  • the Superannuation Auditor Registration Imposition Regulation 2022.

These fees are not subject to GST.

Some forms can be lodged electronically - see our forms webpage for details.

Download a copy of INFO 30 - Fees for commonly lodged documents (PDF 470 KB)

Starting a company

Applications relating to foreign companies appear in a separate section.

Choosing a company name

Note: No late fees apply to these applications. Item numbers refer to Sch 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Sch 2
Item number

Reserve a company name




Item 8

Extend a reservation of a company name




Item 8

Apply to Minister for consent to use a company name




Item 7

Apply to change a company name to omit the word 'limited'




Item 9(a)

Registering your company, registrable Australian body or scheme

Note: No late fees apply to these applications. Item numbers refer to Sch 1 and 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to register as?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Sch 1 & 2

An Australian (Pt 2A.1) company having share capital




Item 1(a)(i)

An Australian (Pt 2A.1) company not having share capital




Item 1(a)(ii)

An Australian company under Pt 5B.1 by a body corporate that is already registered as a foreign company under Pt 5B.2 Div 2




Item 1(c)(i)

An Australian company under Pt 5B.1 by a body corporate that is not registered under the Corporations Act 2001




Item 1(c)(ii)

A registered Australian body by a body incorporated or registered under a law dealing with the incorporation of associations




Item 2(a)(i)

A registered Australian body by a body registered under another law of Australia




Item 2(a)(ii)

A managed investment scheme



Fee for service - not indexed annually.

Item 18

Keeping the register up to date

Late lodgement fee

Documents notifying changes must be lodged within the time prescribed for notifying that change.

Note: Late lodgement fees are payable in addition to any prescribed fee. Item numbers refer to Sch 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

How late is the document?

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 2

If document is received within 1 month after the prescribed time

$96  -

Item 14(a)

If document is received more than 1 month after the prescribed time



Item 14(b)

See 'Late fees for annual review' (page 13) for information about late payment and late review fees.

Updating the register generally

Note: The form number appearing in italics refers to an internal ASIC reference number and not a prescribed form.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024

Request correction of previously advised changes


No fee, except in circumstances where the correction highlights a fee that would have been charged if the original document had been lodged and processed correctly

Notify supplementary information


No fee

Verify or certify a document being lodged


No fee


Note: No fees apply for lodging these forms, however late fees will be charged if lodged outside the relevant time limit for notifying the change. See also ‘Fundraising’.

What do you want to note on the register?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Cancellation of shares


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 28 days after cancellation

Issue of shares


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 28 days after issue

If shares issued for non cash consideration and under written contract Form 207Z Certification of compliance with stamp duty must also be lodged


No fee


A public company must also lodge a Form 208 Notification of details of share issued other than for cash. If shares are issued under written contract either the Form 208 or a copy of the written contract should be lodged.


No fee


Change to share structure


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 28 days after change

Notify of members’ resolution to alter rights of shares


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 14 days after passing resolution

Notify of members’ resolution to convert shares into smaller or larger number


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 1 month after passing resolution

Notify of members’ resolution to reduce share capital


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 14 days after passing resolution

Notify of special resolution that unpaid share capital is not called on unless company goes under external administration


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 14 days after passing resolution

Notify a division or conversion of a share class or classes


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 14 days after division or conversion

Registered office

Note: No fees apply for lodging these forms, however late fees will be charged if lodged outside the relevant time limit for notifying the change.

What do you want to note on the register?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Change of address of registered office or principal place of business of an Australian company


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 28 days of change

Change to company office hours


No fee

Late fee applies if notified on or after date of change of hours

Contact address of an Australian company


No fee


Change of address of registered office of a registered body in Australia


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 7 days after change

Change of office hours for registered office of a registered body in Australia


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 7 days after change

Change of address of a registered body in its place of origin


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 1 month after change

Change directors or directors' details of a registered body in Australia


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 1 month after change

Financial reports and accounts

Note: The form number appearing in italics refers to an internal ASIC reference number and not a prescribed form. Item numbers refer to Sch 1 and 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 and 2 Item number

Lodge a copy of annual financial reports of a company


No fee

Late fee applies for company that is not a disclosing entity after 4 months after end of financial year

Lodge a copy of annual financial reports for a registered scheme or company that is a disclosing entity


No fee

Late fee applies after 3 months after end of financial year

Lodge a copy of annual financial report by disclosing entity that is not a company or, registered scheme



Late fee applies after 3 months after the end of financial year

Item 5

Lodge amended annual financial report by company registered scheme or disclosing entity


No fee

Late fee applies after 14 days after date of amendment


Apply for relief from requirements relating to accounts and reports (Use Form CF02 Applications for relief – financial reporting)



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Lodge the half yearly accounts of a disclosing entity



No fee

Late fee applies if lodged after 75 days after end of accounting period

Item 19

Lodge a copy of annual financial reports for a registrable superannuation entity 


No fee

Late fee applies after 3 months after the end of financial year

Submit applications through the ASIC Regulatory Portal.  


Lodge amended annual financial reports for a registrable superannuation entity


No fee

Late fee applies after 14 days after date of amendment

Submit applications through the ASIC Regulatory Portal.  


Annual review

Note: Item number refers to Sch 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 2 Item Number

Apply to change annual review date by a company, the responsible entity or a registered scheme or the operator of a notified passport fund to which item 4 does not apply




Item 3

Apply to change annual review date by one or more companies having the same ultimate holding company, director or company, the responsible entity of one or more registered schemes or the operator of one or more notified foreign passport funds


For fewer than 10 companies, registered schemes or notified foreign passport funds - $49 for each company, scheme or fund

For at least 10 companies, registered schemes or notified foreign passport funds - $485 per application


Item 4

Change company details in response to a company statement


No fee

Late review fee applies if received more than 28 days after date of issue of company statement.

Note – if change is also outside 28 day lodging period for notifying a change a late lodgement fee will also apply.


Change scheme details in response to a scheme statement


No fee

Late review fee applies if received more than 28 days after date of issue of scheme statement


Annual review fees

For most companies and schemes, their annual review date is the anniversary of their date of registration or incorporation.

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 Pt 1 of the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003. There are no forms prescribed.

What are you registered as?

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Part 1 Item number

A public company (except a special purpose company or a small transferring financial institution)


Late payment fee applies if not paid within 2 months after review date

Item 101

A proprietary company (except a special purpose company)


Late payment fee applies if not paid within 2 months after review date

Item 102

A special purpose company (proprietary)*


Late payment fee applies if not paid within 2 months after review date

Item 103

A special purpose company (public)*


Late payment fee applies if not paid within 2 months after review date

Item 103

A registered scheme or notified foreign passport


Late payment fee applies if not paid within 2 months after review date

Item 104

A small transferring financial institution (except a special purpose company)


Late payment fee applies if not paid within 2 months after review date

Item 106

A registered scheme that is being wound up

No fee


Item 105

A company in liquidation

No fee


Item 107

A registered entity under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012

No fee


Item 108

Upfront annual review fees

A company or registered scheme may elect to pay the fee specified above as an upfront or advance payment for fees in relation to review dates for a period of 10 years.

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 Pt 1A of the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003. There are no forms prescribed. No late fees apply.

What are you registered as?

From 1 July 2024


Sch 1 Part 1A Item number

A public company (except a special purpose company or a small transferring financial institution)


Maximum fee amount reached

Item 101

A proprietary company (except a special purpose company)



Item 102

A special purpose company (proprietary) *


See note below

Item 103

A special purpose company (public)*


See note below

Item 103

A registered scheme or notified foreign passport fund


Maximum fee amount reached

Item 104

* A special purpose company is defined in Regulation 3 of the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003 as:

(a) a company holding a licence that is continued in force by section 151 of the Act and allows the company to omit ‘Limited’ from its name; or

(b) in the case of a company limited by guarantee, or by both shares and guarantee, that was registered immediately before the commencement of this paragraph — if the constitution of the company states that the company:

(i) is formed for the purpose of providing recreation or amusement or promoting commerce, industry, art, science, religion, charity, patriotism, pension or superannuation schemes or any other object useful to the community; and

(ii) applies its profits (if any) or other income in promoting its purpose; and

(iii) prohibits the distribution of its income or property to its members; or

(c) a company that, under subsection 150 (1) of the Act, is registered without ‘Limited’ in its name; or

(d) a company the constitution of which:

(i) requires the company to pursue charitable purposes only and to apply its income in promoting those purposes; and

(ii) prohibits the company making distributions to its members and paying fees to its directors; and

(iii) requires its directors to approve all other payments the company makes to them; or

(e) a proprietary company, if:

(i) the company is the proprietor of land on which a building divided into separate residential areas and areas for common use is erected; and

(ii) the members of the company are entitled, because of the shares they hold in the company, to the exclusive occupation of 1 or more of the residential areas and to the use of the common areas; and

(iii) the company only operates to facilitate and enforce the rights of company members in relation to the exclusive occupation of the residential areas and to maintain the common areas; or

(f) a company, other than a company mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e), if:

(i) the constitution of the company prohibits distribution of the company’s income or property to its members; and

(ii) the sole purpose of the company is to act as the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of section 19 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

Late fees for annual review

Note: These fees are payable in addition to any prescribed fee.

Late payment fee

Annual review fees must be paid within 2 months after review date (except upfront fees).

Item numbers refer to Sch 1 Pt 2 of the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003.


From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Part 2
Item number

If payment is received within 1 month after due date


Item 201

If payment is received more than 1 month after due date



Item 202

Late lodgement fee

Documents notifying changes must be lodged within the time prescribed for notifying that change.

Item numbers refer to Sch 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.


From 1 July 2024


Sch 2 Item number

If document is received within 1 month after the prescribed time



Item 14(a)

If document is received more than 1 month after the prescribed time



Item 14(b)

Late review fee

Changes to information in annual statement must be notified within 28 days after issue date of statement.

Item numbers refer to Sch 1 Part 2 of the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003.

Fee From 1 July 2024 Notes

Schedule 2 Item number

If document is received within 1 month after the prescribed time


 - Item 14(a)
If document is received more than 1 month after the prescribed time


 - Item 14(b)

Note: A document can be charged both a late lodgement fee and a late review fee.

Changing the set up of your company

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 2 Item number

Change the company name

Notify a members’ resolution to change the company name (see also ‘Choosing a company name’)



Late fee applies to Form 205 if lodged more than 14 days after passing resolution

Item 9(b)

Change the company type

Notify of members’ resolution to change the company type (e.g. from Public to Pty) and apply for change company type

Form 206 Application for change of company type must also be lodged



Late fee applies to Form 205 if lodged more than 14 days after passing resolution

Item 10

Transfer place of registration

Apply to change the State or Territory of registration of company




Item 1(b)

Alter company constitution

Notify of members’ resolution to change the company constitution


No fee

Late fee applies if lodged more than 14 days after passing resolution

Section 150 company

Notify non-compliance with s150 requirements or request licence revocation


No fee




Important notice: On 27 July 2020, the ASIC Regulatory Portal became the primary method to apply for relief and lodge fundraising and corporate finance documents with ASIC. More information is available on our applications for relief and fundraising and corporate finance documents webpages.

Note: The form number appearing in italics refers to an internal ASIC reference number and not a prescribed form. Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

Lodge a prospectus

764B or 764C


Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 22(a)

Lodge an offer information statement



Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 22(c)

Lodge a profile statement



Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 22(b)

Lodge a product disclosure statement



Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 146(a)

Lodge a ‘PDS in use’ notice


No fee

Late fee applies 5 business days after PDS first given

Item 147

Lodge a supplementary or replacement prospectus

766B or 766C


Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 23(a)

Lodge a supplementary profile statement 754F


Fees for service - not indexed annually Item 23(b)

Lodge a supplementary offer information statement



Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 23(c)

Lodge a supplementary or replacement product disclosure statement



Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 146

Apply for exemption from all or part of Ch 2L (provisions regulating debentures)

2000 or 2002


Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Apply for exemption from all or part of Ch 5C (provisions regulating managed investment schemes)

5119 or 5121


Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Apply for exemption from all or part of Ch 6D

7110 or 7112


Fees for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Acquisition of shares

Financial assistance for acquiring shares

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Notify of resolution by shareholders in company, listed public company or holding company to approve financial assistance for acquiring shares


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 14 days after passing resolution

In a takeover bid

Important notice: On 27 July 2020, the ASIC Regulatory Portal became the primary method to apply for relief and lodge various fundraising and corporate finance documents (e.g. takeover documents) with ASIC. More information is available on our applications for relief and fundraising and corporate finance documents webpages.

Note: The form numbers appearing in italics refer to an internal ASIC reference number and not a prescribed form. Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

Lodge a supplementary bidder’s statement



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 30

Lodge a supplementary target’s statement



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 30

Apply for an exemption from all or parts of the requirements under Ch 6, 6A, 6B or 6C (Use form CF03 Applications for relief – mergers & acquisitions)

647 &/or 648


Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Make any other application under Ch 6, 6A, 6B or 6C which does not have a fee prescribed elsewhere (Use Form CF03)

667 or 6062


Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Lodge a bidder's statement and any other documents for an off market bid



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 25

Lodge a bidder’s statement and other documents sent to the Securities Exchange for a market bid



Late fee applies 1 day after documents sent to exchange

Item 28

Lodge a notice of variation of offer under an on or off-market bid



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 32

Lodge a target statement and report for an off- market bid



Late fee applies 1 day after statement is sent to bidder

Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 26

Lodge a target statement and report for on-market bid



Late fee applies 1 day after statement sent to relevant exchange

Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 27

Closing a company or scheme

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 and 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 & 2
Item number

Notify of members' resolution to enter members’ voluntary winding up


No fee

Late fee applies 7 days after passing resolution


Notify of members' resolution as to the powers and duties of a liquidator in voluntary winding up


No fee

Late fee applies 14 days after passing resolution


Notify of members' resolution about company arrangements with liquidator in voluntary winding up


No fee

Late fee applies 14 days after passing resolution


Notify of members' resolution binding company to arrangements with creditors in voluntary winding up


No fee

 Late fee applies 14 days after passing resolution


Notify of members' resolution to have the company wound up by a court


No fee

Late fee applies 14 days after passing resolution


Apply for voluntary deregistration of a company




Item 11

Apply for ASIC to exercise its powers to deal with property of a defunct company



Fee for service - not indexed annually 

Item 92

Apply for ASIC to exercise its powers to fulfil the obligations of a deregistered company



Fee for service - not indexed annually 

Item 92

Apply for voluntary deregistration of a scheme


No fee


Item 12

Notify commencement or completion of winding up of a scheme


No fee

Late fee applies 14 days after commencement or completion date

Item 162


Registered Australian bodies

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Notify of ceasing business as registered Australian body


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 7 days after cessation

Notify of dissolution, deregistration or winding up of registered Australian body


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after dissolution, deregistration or winding up

Notify change of name of registered Australian body


No fee

Late fee applies 14 days after the change of name

Notify change in constitution of registered Australian body


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after the change in constitution

Foreign companies

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 2 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 2 Item Number

Apply for registration as a foreign company




Item 2(b)

Notify change of local agent of foreign company


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after change

Lodge statement to verify financial statements



A Form 405 may attract a late fee in either of these situations:

  • It is not lodged within a calendar year and is lodged more than 15 months after the last Form 405
    • a notifiable change is advised outside of the lodgement period (for multiple changes, only one late fee will apply).

Therefore it is possible for a Form 405 to receive two late fees.

Item 6

Lodge annual return



A Form 406 may attract late fees in either of these situations:

  • it is not lodged within a calendar year and within 1 month after the AGM.
    • a notifiable change is advised outside the lodgement period (multiple changes, only one late fee will apply).

Therefore it is possible for a Form 406 to receive two late fees.

Item 6

Notify that foreign company is ceasing business


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 7 days after cessation

Notify dissolution, deregistration or winding up of foreign company


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after dissolution, deregistration or winding up

Notify change of name of foreign company


No fee

Late fee applies 14 days after change of name


Notify change constitution of foreign company


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after change


Notify change in powers of directors resident in Australia


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after change


Change of registered office address in Australia


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 7 days after change


Change of office hours for registered office


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 7 days after change


Change of address in place of origin


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 1 month after change


Change directors or directors' details


No fee

Late fee applies if not notified within 1 month after change


Business names

Note: These fees are levied under Sch 1 of the Business Names Registration (Fees) Regulations 2022.

What do you want to do?

From 1 July 2024

Schedule 1 Item number

A new application for registration of a business name to an entity for 1 year


Item 1

A new application for registration of a business name to an entity for 3 years


Item 3


Individual auditors

Note: These fees are levied under items in Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

Apply for registration as an individual auditor



Fee for service - not indexed annually 

Item 9

Notify that you are ceasing to practise


No fee

Late fee applies 21 days after date of cessation

Item 159

Change your details on the register


No fee

Late fee applies 21 days after date of change

Item 159

Apply for ASIC consent to resign as auditor of a public company


(Legacy Form 342)


Submit applications through the ASIC Regulatory Portal

Fee for service - not indexed annually 

Item 82A

Apply for consent to resign as auditor of AFS licensee


No fee


Item 145

Apply for consent to resign as auditor of registered scheme


No fee


Item 84

Apply for consent to resign as auditor of compliance plan


No fee


Item 94

Lodge your annual statement


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after anniversary of registration

Item 10

Authorised audit company (AAC)

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

Apply for registration as an AAC



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 164

Notify that your AAC is ceasing to practise


No fee

Late fee applies 28 days after date of cessation

Item 159

Change details of your AAC on the register


No fee

Late fee applies 28 days after date of change

Item 159

Apply for ASIC consent to resign as auditor of a public company


(Legacy Form 342)


Submit applications through the ASIC Regulatory Portal

Item 82A

Apply for consent to resign as auditor of AFS licensee


No fee


Item 145

Apply for consent to resign as auditor of registered scheme


No fee


Item 84

Apply for consent to resign as auditor of compliance plan


No fee


Item 94

Lodge your AAC annual statement


No fee

Late fee applies 1 month after anniversary of registration

Item 165

Self-managed superannuation fund auditors

Note: Item numbers refer to the Superannuation Auditor Registration Imposition Regulation 2022.

What do you want to do?

From 1 July 2024


Sch Item number

Apply for registration as an approved SMSF auditor


Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 1

Applying for conditions imposed on registration as an approved SMSF auditor to be varied or revoked under section 128D of the SIS Act


Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 2

Applying for registration as an approved SMSF auditor to be cancelled under section 128E of the SIS Act


There is no fee for late lodgement under Items 4-7

Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 3

Undertake a competency examination in accordance with section 128C of the SIS Act


Fee for service - Fee not indexed

Item 4

Give the Regulator a statement under section 128G of the SIS Act

No fee


Item 5


Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

Apply for registration as a liquidator



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 12

If the liquidator application is approved, a registration fee is also required



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 13

Request ASIC to cancel or suspend your registration as a liquidator RL08 $234

Late fee applies 21 days after date of cessation

Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 16

Notify ASIC of a prescribed event (e.g. change of address)


No fee

Late fee applies 10 business days after date of change


Apply for registered liquidator renewal RL05 $1,720

If application is lodged more than one month before the renewal date

Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 15(a)
Apply for registered liquidator renewal RL05 $1,920

If application is lodged within one month of the renewal date

Item 15(b)

Lodge your annual liquidator return for return years beginning before 1 March 2017 908 No fee Late fee applies if not lodged within one month after the anniversary of the date of registration  -

Lodge your annual liquidator return for return years beginning on or after 1 March 2017


No fee

Late fee applies if not lodged within one month after the anniversary of the date of registration

Notify ASIC of a significant event


No fee Late fee applies after 5 business days after the date of becoming aware of the event 


Apply to remove or vary conditions or lift or shorten suspension

RL06 $1,018 Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 14 

Notify ASIC of other event - inaccuracy in a return

RL31 No fee

Late fee applies if lodged outside of prescribed time

Notify ASIC of a court application for leave not to use former name on public documents 526 No fee  -

Financial services

AFS licence

Note: The form numbers appearing in italics refers to an internal ASIC reference number and not a prescribed form. Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

Apply online for an individual AFS licence

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

For retail clients and low complexity products FSL1A


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(a)(i)
For retail clients and high complexity products FSL1C


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(a)(ii)
For wholesale clients and low complexity products FSL1J


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(c)(i)
For wholesale clients and high complexity products FSL1L


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(c)(ii)

Apply online for a body corporate AFS licence

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

For retail clients and low complexity products FSL1E


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(b)(i)
For retail clients and high complexity products FSL1G


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(b)(ii)
For wholesale clients and low complexity products FSL1N


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(d)(i)
For wholesale clients and high complexity products FSL1P


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 1(d)(ii)

Apply via paper lodgement for an individual AFS licence

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

For retail clients and low complexity products FSL1B


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(a)(i)
For retail clients and high complexity products FSL1D


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(a)(ii)
For wholesale clients and low complexity products FSL1K


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(c)(i)
For wholesale clients and high complexity products  FSL1M 


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(c)(ii) 

Apply via paper lodgement for a body corporate AFS licence

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

For retail clients and low complexity products FSL1F


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(b)(i)
For retail clients and high complexity products FSL1H


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(b)(ii)
For wholesale clients and low complexity products FSL1O


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(d)(i)
For wholesale clients and high complexity products FSL1Q


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 2(d)(ii)

Vary AFS licence conditions for an individual online



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 3(a)

Vary AFS licence conditions for an individual by paper



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 4(a)

Vary AFS licence conditions for a body corporate



Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 3(b)

Vary AFS licence conditions for a body corporate by paper FS03


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 4(b)
Request for voluntary suspension of an AFS licence FS64


Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 7
Request to cancel AFS licence FS65 $899 Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 7

Application to vary or revoke AFS licence suspension



Fee for service - not indexed annually Item 8

Notify change of details of AFS licensee


No fee

Late fee applies after 10 business days after change


Apply to ASIC to declare person regulated by approved foreign regulatory body exempt from the requirement to hold an AFS licence




Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Apply to ASIC to declare body corporate, partnership or non-corporate trustee exempt from the requirement to hold an AFS licence




Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Apply to ASIC to declare an individual exempt from the requirement to hold an AFS licence




Fee for service - not indexed annually

Item 80

Financial reporting and audit of AFS licensee

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 Item number

Lodge a profit and loss statement and balance sheet for an AFS licensee that is a body corporate, partnership or non-corporate trustee


No fee

Late fee applies more than

3 months after end of financial year for disclosing entities and 4 months for non-disclosing entities

Item 20

Lodge a profit and loss statement and balance sheet for an AFS licensee that is an individual


No fee

Late fee applies more than

2 months after end of financial year

Item 20

Lodge an AFS licensee audit report (lodged with Form FS70)


No fee


Notify appointment of an auditor to AFS licensee


No fee

Late fee applies more than 14 days after appointment

Item 158

Notify cessation of an auditor of AFS licensee


No fee

 - Item 145

Apply for consent to remove an auditor of AFS licensee


No fee


Item 104

Other financial services matters

Note: The form number appearing in italics refers to an internal ASIC reference number and not a prescribed form. Item numbers refer to Sch 1 of the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Sch Item number

Apply to ASIC that it declare a product is not a ‘financial product’




Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 80

Apply, as responsible entity, for consent to remove auditor of a registered scheme


No fee


Item 84

Apply, as responsible entity, for consent to remove auditor of scheme's compliance plan



Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 93

Request cancellation of an AFS licence



Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 7

Request for voluntary suspension of an AFS licence FS64


Fee for service – not indexed annually Item 7 

Credit services

Credit licence and other applications

Fees are determined by Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 of the National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Regulations 2010.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 Item number

Apply for an individual Australian credit licence, including a credit provider authorisation CL01A $3,468

The licence application fees are increased by $25 if lodged in paper

Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 1(b)
Apply for an individual Australian credit licence, not including a credit provider authorisation CL01B $1,798

The licence application fees are increased by $25 if lodged in paper

Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 1(a)
Apply for a body corporate Australian credit licence, including a credit provider authorisation CL01C $4,624

The licence application fees are increased by $25 if lodged in paper

Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 1(d)

Apply for a body corporate Australian credit licence, not including a credit provider authorisation



The licence application fees are increased by $25 if lodged in paper

Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 1(c)

Vary authorisations or conditions of an Australian credit licence


Fee on application  

Item 4

Notify changes to credit licence details



If lodged in paper, a $25 fee applies

Late fees apply if lodged more than 14 days after changes to alternative address, or more than 10 business days after changes to other details of a licensee

Item 27 

Request for no action letter

CL11 $3,487 For more information, see How you apply for relief Item 34
Application for relief CL11 $3,487

For more information, see How you apply for relief

Fee for service – not indexed annually

Items 13,14,15,

Late lodgement fees

Documents notifying changes must be lodged within the time prescribed for notifying that change.

Note: Late lodgement fees are payable in addition to any prescribed fee. Item numbers refer to Part 3 of Schedule 1 to the National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Regulations 2010.

How late is the document?

From 1 July 2024


Schedule Item number

If document is received within 1 month after the prescribed time


Fee not indexed

Item 2

If document is received more than 1 month after the prescribed time


Fee not indexed

Item 3

Miscellaneous applications and notification

Note: Item numbers refer to Sch 1 & 2 to the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001.

What do you want to do?

Use form

From 1 July 2024


Schedule 1 & 2 Item number

Apply for extension of time to hold annual general meeting - unlisted entity



Fee for service – not indexed annually

Item 80

For the production of a document by ASIC pursuant to a subpoena




Item 25

Important notice

Please note that this is a summary giving you the basic information you need. It does not cover the whole of the relevant law and is not a substitute for professional advice.

Please note also that because this information sheet avoids legal language wherever possible there may be some generalisations about the application of the law. Some provisions of the law referred to have exceptions or important qualifications. In most cases your particular circumstances need to be taken into account when determining how the law applies to you.

Information sheets provide concise guidance on a specific process or compliance issue or an overview of detailed guidance.

This information sheet was reissued in July 2024.

Last updated: 11/09/2024 02:27