Australian Business Number

When you register a business name, you must provide an ABN or ABN reference number.

You can apply for an ABN, as well as register a business name, using the Australian Government Business Registration Service.

Apply for an ABN

ABN Look up  

Entering your ABN

You will need to select whether the proposed business name holder:

  • has an ABN, or
  • has applied for an ABN and has an ABN reference number, or
  • is applying as a joint venture which does not have an ABN, but all joint venture partners have an ABN. In this case, you will need to enter each partner's ABN in the application, or
  • carries on business exclusively on Christmas Island or the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and does not have an ABN. You will need to provide the entity name and type.

You must enter your ABN without spaces.

Details we use from the ABR

After entering your ABN, some details will be automatically filled out on your application. These details come from the ABR and include the ABN holder’s name and entity type.

You cannot change these details.

If they are incorrect, check you have entered the correct ABN or contact the ABR to update your details before resuming your application.

Using an ABN reference number

If you apply with an ABN reference number, we will hold (but not register) the business name until the ABR determines your ABN application.

If the ABN is granted and nothing else is outstanding (for example payment of the registration fee), the ABR will notify us and we will register your business name.

If you have problems using the ABN reference number or your application remains pending for more than 28 days, contact the ABR.

If your ABN was cancelled and then reinstated by the ABR, you will need to contact us and provide the ABN and ASIC Connect transaction reference number.

Registering a business name with a suppressed ABN

If your ABN is suppressed on the ABR, you won't be able to complete your business name registration online.

In this instance, you will need to contact us and provide the proposed business name and your contact details.

An ASIC staff member will contact you to register the business name.

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Last updated: 09/01/2025 08:59