Advance payment of annual review fees

Companies and schemes can choose to pay their annual review fee 10 years in advance at a discounted rate.

Advance payment protects a company or scheme from future fee increases for the length of the payment. 

If your company is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) some of your reporting obligations to ASIC will no longer apply.

Advance payment fee amounts

Type of company or scheme Annual review fee Advance payment for 10 years
A public company, except a special purpose company or a small transferring financial institution $1,492 $10,000
A proprietary company, except a special purpose company $321 $2,381
A special purpose company (proprietary) $65 $452
A special purpose company (public) $61 $446
A registered scheme $1,492 $10,000
Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle $1,492 $10,000

Refunds are not available.

Advance payments of annual review fees are separately recorded and do not appear as a credit on your account.

We cannot use an advance payment of review fees to pay any other amounts you may owe us. You must pay these amounts separately.

Although you are not required to pay your annual review fee each year, you must review your annual statement and notify us of any changes with 28 days.

Company directors must also pass and store a solvency resolution within two months of the review date, unless your company has lodged a financial report with us in the last 12 months.

We have a remittance advice form you can use that gives you full details of how to pay and highlights the information you should provide.

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Last updated: 30/06/2024 02:00