Mental health support for registered liquidators

Insolvency practitioners and their staff may engage with stakeholders who are facing mental health issues. Practitioners can also face these issues in their own personal and professional lives.

This resource is a guide to information and resources that can assist when dealing with these complex personal issues. The guide can also help you and your staff respond to everyday challenges around mental health.

Mental health support guide

What's new

Insolvency reforms commence on 1 January 2021

Reforms to corporate insolvency laws commence on 1 January 2021 for companies with liabilities less than $1 million.  These reforms include:

-a new debt restructuring process for incorporated businesses

-a new, simplified liquidation pathway for small businesses, and

-a new class of registered liquidator who can only undertake the debt restructuring process.

Corporations Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Act 2020

Corporations Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Regulations 2020

Insolvency Practice Rules (Corporations) Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Rules 2020


Industry funding

The Government has introduced new laws that change the way ASIC is funded. Regulated entities will receive an invoice for ASIC’s regulatory services delivered in the prior year. Find out what this means for registered liquidators.



Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016

Releases on insolvency

Liquidator registration applications

Registered liquidator disciplinary decisions

Insolvency statistics

AFSA - ARITA - ASIC joint liaison meetings


Sign up for:

ASIC Corporate Insolvency Update

Published notices

View insolvency and deregistration notices on the published notices website.

Last updated: 14/06/2023 12:00