Authorised lodgers for business names

A business name holder can authorise any person to lodge transactions with us on their behalf. This could be, for example, an accountant, a lawyer, a services provider or even a relative or friend. A business name holder may authorise more than one person, in addition to transacting with us themselves.

The authorisation of a person is a private arrangement between the person and the business name holder – we are not involved.

This page contains:

Authorised lodgers

Authorised lodgers who wish to receive email notifications for business name holders should nominate their email address as the business email address.

Key points to note:

  • Authorised lodgers for business name holders must be individual people and may be employees of firms. Firms and organisations cannot themselves be authorised lodgers.
  • If a business name holder authorises a business/firm to act on their behalf, the business or firm in turn authorises one or more employees to each transact for the business name holder.
  • Authorised lodgers for business name holders do not need to be ASIC registered agents or use their registered agent number.
  • There can be multiple authorised lodgers linked to a single business name (for company lodgements, only one registered agent can be appointed).
  • Authorised lodgers must:

When a person authorised by the business name holder links to the business name through ASIC Connect, it will not automatically unlink any account holder and/or authorised lodger that may already be linked to the business name. Unlink authorised lodgers through ASIC Connect.

Adding an authorised lodger

You can appoint an authorised lodger to complete transactions on your behalf. The authorised lodger will need to create an ASIC Connect account and link your business to it, using the ASIC key. When the authorised lodger sets up their account, they must use their own name as we must be able to verify their identity if they need to contact us while acting on your behalf.

You can find more instructions and a step-by-step user guide on adding an authorised lodger, on our Business names user guides.

Removing an authorised lodger

If you are no longer the authorised lodger for a business – or you want to remove a person who has been appointed as an authorised lodger for your business – you can do so by going to the 'Lodgements & Notifications' tab on ASIC Connect and selecting the 'Change representative details' option from the list of transactions.

You can find more instructions and a step-by-step user guide on removing an authorised lodger, on our Business names user guides.

Related links

Key steps for authorised lodgers

  1. Get authorised. You must be authorised to transact on behalf of a business name holder. This is a private arrangement between you and the business name holder – we are not involved.
  2. Sign up to create an ASIC Connect account.  Each individual who is authorised to transact with us for a business name holder must create a personal ASIC Connect account.
  3. Get ASIC keys for business names. The ASIC key is a unique number associated with each business name.
  4. Link business names to each authorised lodger's ASIC Connect account.

Authorised lodgers-request help with linking

As an authorised lodger, you can ask us to help link a large number of business names (20 or more) to the user accounts of multiple employees. Do this online by contacting us.

You will need to include:

  • your full name and contact details
  • your ASIC registered agent number (if you have one)
  • a statement confirming you are authorised to act on behalf of each of the business names
  • the ASIC Connect username (email address) for each account
  • the business names to be linked and their ASIC keys
  • either the ABNs of the business names (if applicable) or the previous state or territory registration number and registration, and
  • details of the business name holders.

We may contact you to ask for additional information before processing the request.

Updating authorised lodger details

As an authorised lodger, you can keep your account details up to date using 'My Account' on ASIC Connect.

Use ASIC Connect to update an authorised lodger for a business name

1. Log into ASIC Connect by selecting the ‘Log in’ button or create an ASIC Connect account by selecting the 'Get started' button.

Log in

Sign up

2. Use the ASIC key to link the business name to your account. Once the business name is linked, you can update its details.

3. From the 'Lodgements & Notifications' tab, select the business name

4. Select the 'Change representative details' transaction from the drop down list and press 'Go'.

You'll then be able to update the details for any of the business name's representatives, including authorised lodgers.

FAQs: Authorised lodgers for business names

Browse through our frequently asked questions to answer any authorised lodgers questions you may have.

If you are seeking more information you might also like to download our Regulatory Guide 23 Registering your business name or feel free to contact us.

Who can complete the online business name registration on behalf of my business?

A. As the proposed business name holder, you can authorise any person to lodge an online application for business name registration on your behalf.

Can authorised lodgers sign up their firm to ASIC Connect, instead of each employee of the firm?

A. No, each individual authorised lodger must sign up for an ASIC Connect account and (to handle renewals) link each relevant business name to their account.

Can more than one authorised lodger be linked to a business name account?

A. Yes, providing they are authorised by the business name holder. We do not need to see the authorisation, but we will ask them to declare their authority online as part of a transaction.

How should a person be authorised by a business name holder to transact with ASIC?

A. Authorisation is a private arrangement between a person and a business name holder - we are not involved. Authorised lodgers should consider written authorisation to ensure they have express permission to conduct transactions for the business name holders they represent.

Who will ASIC give a 'bulk' list of ASIC keys to?

A. We will email a list of ASIC keys to an ASIC registered agent where we know the agent represents companies that hold the relevant business names. On a case-by-case basis, we will provide similar support to other authorised businesses such as large corporate groups or franchisors. We may require further details such as a letter of authorisation or request on firm letterhead.

As an authorised lodger, can I have the ASIC key sent to me rather than my client?

A: Yes, if you can provide approval from the business name holder, authorising you to transact on their behalf. You can do this online by contacting us.

You should include:

  • the business names and, if available, ABNs
  • business name holder details
  • a statement of authorisation from the business name holder(s)
  • your ASIC registered agent number (if you have one)
  • your name and contact details, and
  • a business email address where we can send the ASIC keys.

We may contact you to ask you to email us additional information to ensure you are authorised to transact for the business name holder. This may include any or all of the following:

  • a written statement from you on letterhead that you are authorised by each of the business name holders

  • a letter on company letterhead (if the business name holder is a company)and further details of the basis of the request (e.g. for franchises or large corporate groups), and/or

  • direct evidence of authority from business name holder – for example, an authorisation on company letterhead where the business name holder is a company.

As an authorised lodger, if I register a business name, will I automatically receive renewal and other notices from ASIC for the business name holder?

A. No, this will only occur IF you link the business name to your ASIC Connect account (using the ASIC key) and include your email under the business details for the business name.

Can more than one lodger be authorised for a single business name?

A. Yes, a business name holder can authorise more than one person to transact with us on their behalf. They do this by sharing their ASIC key with the people they authorise, who can use it to link the business name to their ASIC Connect account. Business name holders can also transact themselves.

Your ASIC key is a unique number used in ASIC Connect that helps us establish your identity and protects your business information by making sure only you and those you have authorised can access it.

Learn more about ASIC keys

What is a corporate key?

A corporate key is an 8-digit number uniquely associated with a company’s ACN. Your company needs only one corporate key.

Learn more about corporate keys

An invitation key is a unique key to register for, or connect to an entity in, the ASIC Regulatory Portal.

Learn more about invitation keys 

Your industry funding security key is a unique number used to launch an online transaction in the ASIC Regulatory Portal that will enable us to calculate your final industry funding invoice. You will be prompted to submit business activity metric information on the operation of your business in the previous financial year.

Learn more about industry funding security keys

Last updated: 15/10/2014 12:00