ASIC's Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow developers to interact with our vast company and business name registry data and integrate it with their software, which can then be used by our customers to lodge and maintain their registrations with us.
This page provides documents and information for Digital Service Providers (DSPs) interested in building services to directly connect with the ASIC registers.
ASIC Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) give developers an easy way to integrate ASIC Registry interactions (company and business name registration for example) with third party software to create web and mobile services.
DSPs should review the APIs and contact ASIC if they would like to proceed with development. ASIC will provide:
access to a test environment for the purposes of development,
support for technical questions about the specifications, and
testing to ensure your product is suitable.
There is no fee to use the ASIC API’s however, use of these API’s and the services available are governed by terms and conditions.
Digital Service Access Terms and Conditions
We have updated terms and conditions that govern access to ASIC’s digital services. The ASIC Digital Services Access Terms and Conditions (PDF) define requirements and obligations to be fulfilled by ASIC Digital Service Providers (DSPs).
A DSP is a person or organisation who allows data to be sent to and from ASIC to submit transactions and request information searches of the ASIC Registers.
The T’s & C’s include:
requirements to be an approved DSP,
obligations of DSPs in relation to conduct (including marketing), use and security measures,
grounds on whch ASIC may suspend or cancel access to ASIC digital services, and
expectations of DSPs in managing customer interactions.
By better communicating the requirements to be a DSP and strengthening our compliance work, we hope to better inform new and current DSPs about their obligations and promote the integrity of our registers and digital services.
Business names transactions
Our business name service (also referred to as web services) offers registration, address update, cancel, and renewal transactions. It also provides access to search business name information from ASIC's register.
The APIs below will help software developers implement business name services.
For more information about our business names services, please contact
Explains the common aspects and architecture of the system and how it works.
20 September 2022
Company transactions
Our company service (also referred to as EDGE) offers registration and maintenance transactions. It also provides access to search company information from ASIC's register and scheduling workflows. Our most commonly lodged forms for the Companies Register are also supported.
The APIs below will help DSPs implement company services.
Explains the common aspects and architecture of the system and how it works.
20 September 2022
Other Government Business Registrations
Third party DSPs can also build services to directly connect with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Business Registrations.
Web and mobile services can be developed for a range of ATO registrations including Australian Business Number Registration. Application Programming Interfaces (API's) and ATO supporting documentation.
Standard Business Reporting
Standard Business Reporting (SBR) is an Australian Government initiative to reduce the reporting burden of business. SBR enables business and tax professionals to report to government directly from their financial, accounting or payroll software. ASIC supports lodgement of financial reporting obligations via SBR.
The Reportable Situations API will assist licensees and their agents in submitting notifications about reportable situations with ASIC.
The API provides a machine-to-machine interface solution for high-volume organisations to submit reportable situation transactions. The API will assist licensees in lodging the ‘Submit or update reportable situation by licensee (includes updating a breach report)’ transaction and in particular, replicates the ‘notifying of a reportable situation’ pathway.
The API does not accept breach reports or updates to breach reports under the old breach reporting regime that was in place prior to October 2021 (the ‘providing an update about a breach report where the breach/likely breach occurred prior to October 2021’ pathway).
Development of this interface has been guided by the Design Standards for Whole of Australian Government (WoAG) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Refer to
This is a RESTful API service called over HTTPS and managed on API Gateway connecting to a collection of ASIC-Internal backend services that create the reportable situation.
There is a single endpoint URI for the client to call to create a reportable situation transaction. The single API endpoint request method is POST.
JSON is the standard used for transferring data to and from client and server sides (Header Content-Type = application/json). Payload requests sent by entities and server responses will be made using JSON.
The API conforms to REST architecture noting the following:
Client-server separation: Clients and servers can evolve independently and are not in any way coupled together, given that the interface (Swagger Doc) is unchanged. If any changes arise, they are communicated as an updated version.
Stateless requests: Server side does not store any context that links multiple consecutive API requests.
Resource Identifiers: Use of nouns for endpoint paths. The endpoint path for this API will be /v1/createReportableSituation.
See 'Access' tab below for related documents.
Before requesting access to the API, interested parties should review the following documents:
Before applying for access to the API, users should have developed their API and be ready to test. Test access is for a limited time and those not ready may not be approved.
To apply for access to the API, interested parties will need to complete the following steps:
Successful applicants will be provided with user credentials to the test environment and test scenarios
The applicant will be required to conduct tests on the provided test scenarios. Once the applicant is satisfied with the test results, the test results are emailed to ASIC for review at
ASIC will provide successful applicants with the user credentials to the production environment of the API.