Lodging paper forms

Not all forms and documents can be lodged online. See Forms for the specific lodgement details of each form. This page provides information on how to lodge paper forms with ASIC.

Lodging paper forms with ASIC

In most cases, the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) and Corporations Regulations 2001 (Corporations Regulations) state what information you must send us and how you must present this information. This ensures the forms can be processed and stored on our database for public searching.

Images of all forms lodged with us are stored on our database. Copies of most of these forms are available for public searching. Publicly available information is extracted from some forms and entered into various ASIC registers. This information is available from ASIC Connect.

We accept printed copies of forms downloaded from our website. We will not accept forms that have photocopied signatures.

Because of our copyright, you must not copy ASIC forms from any other source. Photocopies must only be for your own use and not sold or issued to any other persons. Facsimiles, carbon copies or copies produced by spirit duplication are not acceptable.

Where there is no designated ASIC form

You do not have to use a designated ASIC form when you lodge a document, notice or application under the Corporations Act and a form for that purpose is not listed in the Corporations Act or the Corporations Regulations.  

If you do need to create a form:

  • do not display or reproduce the ASIC logo
  • use paper of 80-90 gsm (medium weight) and A4 size (210 x 297mm)
  • print in dark blue or black ink on a white background
  • leave a 10mm margin from each edge of the A4 page. Do not write in the margins
  • duplex printing is acceptable. If you need to use a second page, you can include the information on the reverse side of your first page. If you need more than one sheet of paper, all sheets must be fastened securely at the top left corner.

If the form needs annexures, the Corporations Regulations on annexures must be followed. 

Annexures to forms

When creating annexures for forms:

  • use A4 size white paper with a margin of at least 10mm on all sides
  • number the pages consecutively
  • print or type in dark blue or black ink
  • identify the annexure with a mark (e.g. A,B,C or i,ii,iii)
  • include these words: 'This is annexure [mark] of [number] pages referred to in the form [form number and title]'
  • sign and date the annexure. The annexure must be signed by the same person(s) who signed the form
  • on the form, include the mark and the number of pages in the annexure e.g 'See annexure [mark] of [number] pages'.

Where to lodge paper forms

Generally, paper forms should be posted to:

Australian Securities and Investments Commission
PO Box 4000
Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841

Check the form guide for details on where and when to lodge the form.

Things to remember when lodging

Before lodging your paper form, make sure you've considered the following:

  1. Have all relevant items been filled in?
  2. Make sure you've included your corporate key if you are lodging a Form 362 or 486.
  3. Are all associated documents and annexures attached?
  4. Are fees required? We may not process your documents without payment. See the payment options available. Do not send cash in the mail.
  5. Is it addressed correctly? Check the address in the guide to the form.
Last updated: 27/01/2025 10:03