Companies and organisations



Anyone who offers you a financial or investment product or gives you financial advice must have an Australian financial services (AFS) licence or be authorised by someone who is licenced. Make sure the person or company you are dealing with is licensed.

Check the ASIC Professional Registers Search

For details on companies and organisations, use our 'Organisations and business names' search.

Search for a company or organisation now

What information is available using the 'Organisations and business names' search?

This search provides information about companies and organisations recorded on our registers.

The types of organisations you can search for includes:

  • companies
  • registered bodies
  • foreign companies
  • associations
  • managed investment schemes
  • non-registered entities.

Purchasing an extract

When you search for a company or organisation on our register, you can also purchase an extract that has current and/or historical information about the organisation. This can include:

  • past addresses,
  • previous directors, or
  • former names.

For more information about purchasing an extract and what information is available, visit 'Search fees'.

Search for a company or organisation now

What details are available?

The information will change depending on the company or organisation you are searching for. The information we provide for free includes:

  • company or organisation name
  • unique identification number (ABN, ACN, ARBN, ARSN). Company and business name search summaries with ABNs link to the Australian Business Register.
  • type of company or organisation
  • registration date
  • next review date
  • location of registered office
  • any professional licences or registrations (e.g. an Australian financial services licence or credit licence).

Full details on the information available is on ASIC Connect

Significant global entities

Significant Global Entities (SGEs) are companies that are required by law to lodge general purpose financial statements with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

For information about general purpose financial statements or SGEs, please contact

The statements will be passed on by the ATO to ASIC and then available for purchase from ASIC's 'Companies and Organisations' register. More information about ASIC's search services is available here.

General purpose financial statements will show on our register as the document type 'SGEF'. This can be found within the list of recently lodged documents, as shown below.

 Sge Search Example 201710

What is an ASIC key?

Your ASIC key is a unique number used in ASIC Connect that helps us establish your identity and protects your business information by making sure only you and those you have authorised can access it.

Learn more about ASIC keys

What is a corporate key?

A corporate key is an 8-digit number uniquely associated with a company’s ACN. Your company needs only one corporate key.

Learn more about corporate keys

What is an invitation key?

An invitation key is a unique key to register for, or connect to an entity in, the ASIC Regulatory Portal.

Learn more about invitation keys 

What is an industry funding security key?

Your industry funding security key is a unique number used to launch an online transaction in the ASIC Regulatory Portal that will enable us to calculate your final industry funding invoice. You will be prompted to submit business activity metric information on the operation of your business in the previous financial year.

Learn more about industry funding security keys

Last updated: 08/12/2024 11:06