Specifying whether you can provide tax (financial) advice services
When AFS licensees appoint a relevant provider for the first time using the 'Appoint' function on ASIC Connect, or update information about a relevant provider using the 'Maintain' function on ASIC Connect, they will be asked whether the relevant provider can provide tax (financial) advice services.
Your AFS licensee should answer 'yes' to this question if you provide, or intend to provide, tax (financial) advice services, provided that you meet the requirements and are permitted by your AFS licensee to do so.
Specifying the capacity in which you are eligible to provide tax (financial) advice services
Your AFS licensee is required to specify the capacity in which you are eligible to provide tax (financial) advice services.
For some relevant providers, including some provisional relevant providers, information about the capacity in which they are eligible to provide tax (financial) advice services has been pre-filled on ASIC Connect based on information provided to ASIC by the Tax Practitioners Board or a previous AFS licensee.
For all other relevant providers, the AFS licensee will need to specify the capacity in which the relevant provider is eligible to provide tax (financial) advice services. This can be in any of the following capacities:
- The relevant provider is a registered tax agent.
- The relevant provider has completed the specified courses.
- The relevant provider is an existing provider.
Note: Relevant providers in this category must have completed the specified commercial law and taxation law courses by 1 January 2026 to continue to be eligible to provide tax (financial) advice services.
For more help in understanding this requirement, see Flowchart: Can I provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients?.
Pre-filled information
Please contact ASIC at registration.enquiries@asic.gov.au if you or your AFS licensee believe that pre-filled information on the Financial Advisers Register about tax (financial) advice services is incorrect.
For more information, see our guidance on how to notify ASIC of a relevant providers ability to provide tax (financial) advice services using the 'Appoint' or 'Maintain' functions.
Default settings
For relevant providers who do not have pre-filled information on ASIC Connect in relation to whether you are eligible to provide tax (financial) advice services, unless your AFS licensee notifies ASIC about your ability to provide tax (financial) advice services using the 'Maintain' function on ASIC Connect, your ability to provide tax (financial) advice services will not be recorded on the Financial Advisers Register.
It is your AFS licensee’s responsibility to ensure that information on the Financial Advisers Register is up to date and correct.
Problems submitting a 'Maintain' notification
If the transaction will not proceed when submitting a 'Maintain' notification on ASIC Connect to update the capacity in which the relevant provider is able to provide tax (financial) advice services, the updated information may already be held with ASIC.
If the problem does not resolve, please contact ASIC.