Step number |
Step information |
Step 1 |
Are you a relevant provider who is also a registered tax agent with the Tax Practitioners Board?
Step 2 |
Were you registered with the Tax Practitioners Board as an individual tax (financial) adviser immediately before 1 January 2022, or did you have an application with the Tax Practitioners Board that was pending immediately before 1 January 2022 that was subsequently approved?
Step 3 |
Are you a relevant provider (including a provisional relevant provider but not a timeshare adviser)?
Step 4 |
Have you completed the specified courses in commercial law and taxation law? For more information, see INFO 268.
Step 5 |
You are a qualified tax relevant provider. Go to Step 9. |
Step 6 |
Are you:
Step 7 |
You are not a qualified tax relevant provider and cannot provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients. Flowchart path ends. |
Step 8 |
You are taken to be a qualified tax relevant provider until 31 December 2025. You must complete the specified courses in commercial law and taxation law by 31 December 2025 to continue being a qualified tax relevant provider. Go to Step 9. |
Step 9 |
Does your AFS licensee allow you to provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients?
Step 10 |
You can provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients. Flowchart path ends. |
Step 11 |
You cannot provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients. Flowchart path ends. |
Flowchart: Can I provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients as a relevant provider?
This flowchart should be read with Information Sheet 268 FAQs: Relevant providers who provide tax (financial) advice services (INFO 268). It sets out how to determine if you can provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients as a relevant provider.
Flowchart: Can I provide tax (financial) advice services to retail clients as a relevant provider?
Note: See text version of flowchart process below which includes links to further information.