To satisfy the safe harbour for complying with the best interests duty, you must identify the subject matter of the advice sought by the client (whether explicitly or implicitly): see section 961B(2)(b)(i). This is relevant to determining the scope of the advice.
You will need to use your professional judgement when identifying the subject matter and scope of advice: see RG 175 at RG 175.197–RG 175.202.
Identifying the client's reasons for seeking advice by asking open-ended questions
The subject matter of the advice sought by the client may be explicit from the client's request, or it may be implicit (for example, when a client requests advice in response to a life event): see Example 11 in RG 175.
You can refine your understanding of the subject matter as you discover more information about the client: see Example 14 in RG 175 and Section D of RG 244 at RG 244.65–RG 244.67.
When making inquiries of the client, you should ask open-ended questions to help you identify the subject matter of the advice sought by the client: for example, 'Why did you come to see me today?'
Putting your client first by declining to provide advice and referring your client elsewhere if you cannot act in the client's best interests when scoping the advice
Either you or your client can suggest limiting or revising the subject matter of the advice. However, you must use your judgement when deciding on the scope of the advice. You must determine the scope of the advice in a way that is consistent with the client's relevant circumstances and the subject matter of the advice they are seeking.
After discussing the client's reasons for seeking advice, you may identify that certain topics cannot be reasonably scoped out. If the client seeks to limit the scope of advice, and you are unable to act in their best interests, or you lack the relevant expertise, you should decline to provide the advice.
For more information about declining to provide advice and referrals, see RG 175 at RG 175.176 and RG 175.214–RG 175.216, and RG 244 at RG 244.66–RG 244.68.
You should also not limit the scope of advice to exclude a critical issue that is relevant to the subject matter of the advice sought by the client because it is not a core element of your advice model. Providing personal advice requires a tailored approach for each client.
Where your licensee authorisations or advice model do not allow you to provide the scope of advice required, it may be appropriate to refer your client to an adviser who does have the relevant authorisations, expertise and capacity, to address the relevant advice areas: see RG 175 at RG 175.238. If you do refer a client, keep in mind Standard 7 of the Code of Ethics regarding potential benefits that derive from a third party.
For example, if you specialise in superannuation or insurance, in certain client situations you may need to consider:
- the client's existing superannuation and insurance policies
- retirement planning for a client if it is integral to the client's overall superannuation and insurance strategy
- cash flow management for a client when providing insurance advice.
In these scenarios, your advice model should not dictate what is, or is not, included in the scope of the advice.
Addressing advice topics that fall outside the scope of the advice
When identifying the scope of the advice, you may also need to address advice topics that fall outside the scope of the advice.
You should ensure that your records clearly demonstrate the reasons why certain topics relevant to the client are not in scope and why it is still possible to act in the best interests of the client and provide appropriate advice in doing so. This requires you to use your professional judgement to consider your client's relevant circumstances and explain the implications of your advice recommendations. This is because your client(s) may have competing objectives and this is one reason they are seeking advice.
You and your client may agree to scope a topic out of the advice while recognising that the client will need advice on the topic at another time. You should consider how you will address that advice need now or in future, and keep records in your client's file or Statement of Advice (SOA). This helps demonstrate that you are acting in the best interests of your client.
Table 1 provides examples of how you can address out-of-scope advice topics or a client's other advice needs now or in the future.
Table 1: Examples of addressing out-of-scope advice topics or other advice needs
If you intend to… |
Then you should… |
address a client's out-of-scope advice topic or advice need at a future date
Note: See Example Statement of Advice (SOA): Limited advice (PDF 296 KB)
- consider scheduling the next meeting now
- follow up within a specified period to determine an appropriate time to address the topic or need, and
- explain to the client the impact of not addressing the topic or need and confirm that the client understands the implications.
refer a client's advice needs to another adviser
Note: See Example Record of Advice (ROA): Stockbroker PDF 314 KB)
- consider whether the client needs to obtain that advice before you can proceed with providing your advice
- record details of who the adviser(s) are and the areas in which they will be assisting, and
- ask your client to provide an update of any changes to their situation which may impact your current advice.
refer the client to another non-advice specialist, such as a solicitor for estate planning, or a mortgage broker for lending needs
Note: See Example Record of Advice (ROA): Life insurance advice – Retain existing products and increase insurance (PDF 336 KB)
- consider whether the client needs to obtain that advice before you can proceed with providing your advice
- record details, where possible, of who the specialists are and the areas in which they will be assisting, and
- communicate with your client the importance of them advising you of any changes to their situation which may impact your current advice.
Note: See RG 175 at RG 175.197–RG 175.216 for information about the subject matter of the advice sought by the client.