RG 205 Credit licensing: General conduct obligations

Issued 1 April 2020

Credit licensees must comply with general conduct obligations: see s47(1) of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.

Licence applicants must be able to demonstrate in their licence application that they can comply with these general conduct obligations.

As a credit licensee or licence applicant, you are responsible for deciding how to comply with the general conduct obligations.

To help you comply, Regulatory Guide 205 Credit licensing: General conduct obligations (RG 205):

  • outlines key compliance concepts that apply to all of the general conduct obligations
  • describes what we look for when we assess compliance with various general conduct obligations, and
  • includes questions to help you design and test your measures for complying with the general conduct obligations.

The general conduct obligations not covered in this guide are covered in separate guides: see Table 1 in Section A.

Regulatory Guide 205 Credit licensing: General conduct obligations (RG 205)

FAQs - complying with your credit obligations (INFO 104)

Last updated: 01/04/2020 12:00