How you lodge fundraising and corporate finance documents

The ASIC Regulatory Portal replaced other submission channels as the primary way of lodging fundraising and corporate finance documents with ASIC. These documents are lodged through the portal using online forms known as transactions.

This page contains:

See also:

Register your portal account

Recently registered? Please wait a minimum of 30 minutes before launching a transaction.

Anyone using the portal to transact with ASIC will need to register an individual account. You can register by selecting the ‘I just want to register’ tile on the registration page. You can then log in and submit any of the new transactions to ASIC.

You can also register your individual account when you are invited to connect to an entity account. In this scenario, a Senior administrator or Administrator of an entity account such as a law firm partnership will send you an invitation key and you will be prompted to register your portal account as part of that process.

All portal users log in to their individual account before selecting who they would like to represent - including themselves - from their list of ‘current connections’ (PDF).

Also refer to the following information below:

Important information for issuers of fundraising offer documents

  • Issuers no longer use OFFERlist Entry to expose their offers to the public. 
  • Issuers will now lodge their fundraising offer documents with ASIC through the ASIC Regulatory Portal
  • Details of the offer will then be shown on the public database as part of the portal lodgement process.
  • The public data base is Offer Notice Board (formerly OFFERlist).

Existing submission channels remain in place for

  • Notifications for Product Disclosure Statements, including in-use notices (forms FS88, FS89 and FS90). 
  • Fundraising Disclosure Document for an issuer of securities that does not have an ASIC identifier (ACN, ARBN or ARSN) – email
  • Lodgements for employee share schemes and employee incentive schemes (email including:
    • Disclosure documents for employee share and incentive schemes.
    • Notice of reliance of Class Order [CO 14/1000] Employee incentive Schemes: Listed Bodies.
    • Notice of Class Order [CO 14/1001] Employee Incentive Schemes: Unlisted Bodies.

Alternative lodgement methods

Fundraising and corporate finance documents are now lodged with ASIC through the ASIC Regulatory Portal (not email).

Lodgements relating to takeovers, schemes of arrangement, shareholder meeting materials, fundraising offers, compulsory acquisitions and buy-out notifications can be lodged by email only in instances where there are accessibility limitations, or where the ASIC Regulatory Portal is unavailable.

Lodging through the portal on behalf of clients

A law firm partnership can submit transactions to ASIC for its clients. This can be done by law firm employees who submit transactions on behalf of their clients under the centralised law firm account.


About each transaction and how they work in the portal

The forms in the portal are known as transactions. The transactions in the portal feature a common design and functionality. When you answer a question in a transaction, you may be requested to provide information specific to your response. This conditional logic ensures that appropriate questions are tailored to your responses.


Invite trusted representatives to transact in the portal on your behalf

You can invite trusted representatives to act on your behalf in the portal.


Specific information about each transaction


Last updated: 20/03/2024 03:48