Superannuation for employees and employers

Information for employees

ASIC’s Moneysmart website helps consumers take steps to improve their personal finances. It provides free, independent guidance including superannuation and retirement calculators for consumers.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) also has useful information for individuals about super. This includes the YourSuper comparison tool, a simple way to compare MySuper products and help you choose a super fund that meets your needs.

Information for employers

Communicating with employees about choice of superannuation fund: What you can and cannot do

ASIC’s Information Sheet 89 Communicating with employees about choice of superannuation fund: What you can and cannot do (INFO 89) provides general guidance on how employers can communicate with employees about super choices without breaking the law, and what employers should avoid saying or doing.

For more information see Media Release (21-272MR) ASIC releases updated information about the distribution of superannuation products (15 October 2021).

Prohibition of employer inducements

ASIC has issued guidance to trustees that using improper inducements to influence employers in their choice of default fund is illegal. For more information see:

  • Information Sheet 241 Prohibition on influencing employers’ superannuation fund choice: section 68A of the SIS Act (INFO 241)
  • Media Release (21-272MR) ASIC releases updated information about the distribution of superannuation products (15 October 2021)
  • Media Release (19-198MR) Trustees warned about influencing employers through improper inducements (31 July 2019).

The ATO and both have useful information about super for employers.

What's new

Active Super ordered to pay $10.5 million penalty in ASIC’s third greenwashing court action

18 March 2025

The Federal Court today imposed a penalty of $10.5 million against Active Super for greenwashing misconduct.

Read the release

ASIC sues AustralianSuper alleging significant death benefit claims failures

12 March 2025

ASIC is suing AustralianSuper Pty Ltd, the trustee of Australia’s largest superannuation fund, over delayed processing of nearly 7,000 death benefit claims, according to proceedings filed in the Federal Court.

Read the release

Advancing Australia’s regulatory roadmap for public and private capital markets

26 February 2025

ASIC has announced its preliminary views on the opportunities and risks emerging from shifts in public and private capital markets and called for feedback and debate on key questions as part of a discussion paper launched today.

Read the release

Read the discussion paper

AustralianSuper fined $27 million after ASIC investigation into failing to merge multiple superannuation accounts

21 February 2025

AustralianSuper, the trustee of Australia’s largest superannuation fund, will pay a $27 million penalty after the Federal Court today found that it failed to merge multiple member accounts.

Read the release

Delivering a step-change in superannuation

30 January 2025

Joint keynote speech by ASIC Commissioner Simone Constant at the Conexus Financial Super Chair Forum.

Read the speech

ASIC calls out superannuation trustees for weak scam and fraud practices

30 January 2025

ASIC has written to superannuation trustees urging them to strengthen anti-scam practices, or risk exposing members to harm.

Read the release

ASIC and APRA host Superannuation CEO Roundtables to discuss climate risk

20 January 2025

APRA and ASIC have released public notes from the latest Roundtables. The theme of these Roundtables were key issues related to climate and nature risk.

Read the notes

Last updated: 02/02/2022 01:51