Audit and assurance of sustainability reports

Sustainability reports required to be prepared under the Corporations Act 2001 will be subject to mandatory audit requirements, in accordance with auditing standards that will be made by the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB).

The audit requirements will be phased in over time. Mandatory audit reports will be required for sustainability reports from the financial year commencing 1 July 2030.

Prior to 1 July 2030, sustainability reports will only be required to be reviewed or audited to the extent required by the audit standards.

The AUASB will make auditing standards that specify the extent to which a sustainability report must be reviewed and audited, and provide standards for such reviews and audits.

This webpage will be updated to provide further information about audit and assurance once the auditing standards are finalised.

More information

Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

Last updated: 18/09/2024 04:13