Whistleblower protections

Whistleblowers play an important role to identify and call out misconduct and breaches of the law, including the laws administered and enforced by ASIC. This can be where a company or its managers or employees commit fraud, rip people off or cause harm to others.

The law provides rights and protections for whistleblowers to encourage them to come forward and protect them when they do.

This page answers common questions about the whistleblower protections in the law that apply to whistleblowers from inside companies and some other types of organisations. We just use the term ‘companies’ on this page. For more detailed information, read:

  • Information Sheet 238 Whistleblower rights and protections (INFO 238)
  • Information Sheet 239 How ASIC handles whistleblower reports (INFO 239).

Last updated: 21/06/2023 12:00