Regulatory portal
The ASIC regulatory portal is your central access to ASIC's growing suite of digital services.
It's an important first step on our journey to improve your experience when transacting and interacting with us and how we deliver online services to you over time.
Sign up and log in
Steps to sign up for an ASIC Regulatory Portal account
When registering for an ASIC Regulatory Portal account, you'll need to follow these steps:
1. Go to the ASIC Regulatory Portal
From the ASIC Regulatory Portal homepage, select the blue 'Register' button.
2. Select the tile that matches what you want to do first on the portal.
Select either:
- 'I want to accept an invitation from a portal user’
- 'I want to connect to a licence or registration I hold’
- ‘I want to act on behalf of a registered company or body’
- ‘I want to connect to an entity using an industry funding security key’
3. Enter your details
The details you need to provide is dependent on what you want to do first on the portal (or which tile you select). Enter the requested details, including an email address that will act as your username.
4. Agree to the terms and conditions set out in the ASIC Regulatory Portal: User Agreement
To register, you'll need to review the ASIC Regulatory Portal: User Agreement, ASIC's Privacy Policy and the Privacy Collection Notice for the ASIC Regulatory Portal and make a declaration of your acceptance of the terms and conditions of using the portal.
5. Open the registration confirmation email and select the confirmation link
Within 10 minutes, we will send you a confirmation email, which will prompt you to create a password. Select the confirmation link in the email to confirm registration. We will then redirect you to create your password.
The confirmation link is valid for 8 hours from initial registration. If the link has expired, you will be redirected to a page allowing you to request a new confirmation email.
If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your email 'trash' or 'junk' folder first.
If you're still unable to locate the confirmation email, please visit our FAQs page for instructions on how have the email resent.
6. Set your password
Set and confirm your password for your account.
We will then redirect you to a confirmation page. Select Log in.
Steps to log in
To log into the ASIC Regulatory Portal once you have already registered:
1. Go to the ASIC Regulatory Portal login page
From the ASIC Regulatory Portal homepage, select the blue 'Log in' button.
2. Enter your username and password
Enter your username (email address) and password.
3. Select who you would like to represent
Select an entity from the list or click '+ Connect to an entity' to add another entity.
When connecting to an entity, you may be prompted to review contact details for that entity – billing address, billing contact, official ASIC notice contact and industry funding compliance contact.
An entity is a way of describing all the different ways through which business can be conducted – it could be an organisation structure like a company, a business, a partnership or a trust, or an individual (a ‘natural person’).
To connect to an entity, you must either have an existing role within, or for, that entity. A person that has Senior Administrator or Administrator access level within the portal for an entity may also invite you via email to connect. An invitation to connect to an entity will include an invitation key.
If you have an existing role within, or for, an entity you wish to connect to, we will verify your identifying information against our records.
If you hold a professional licence or registration with ASIC or are a registered company officeholder, we need to verify the name you used to register for the portal against the name we have on our records.
If the name you used to create your account does not match our records, you will not be able to connect to the licence, registration or entity. You should check your own records to confirm what name you have used or go to ASIC Connect register search -
4. View your dashboard
Once logged in, you will see the entity 'dashboard'. On the dashboard, you will find any recent transactions for the entity and can start new transactions.
In the top middle of the portal banner, the portal shows you which entity you are acting on behalf of or if you are acting for yourself. To switch entities and view a different entity dashboard, click on 'Switch entity' and choose an entity from your list of connections.
Individuals acting on behalf of the entity
Only an authorised person, for example an officeholder (or equivalent), or holder of a licence or registration, can perform initial entity registration in the ASIC Regulatory Portal. Once the authorised person has registered they can then invite a trusted representative such as a company employee, a compliance officer, a registered agent, or a service provider to connect to their entity and assign them the required user access to view confidential information and perform regulatory tasks on behalf of the entity.
Once invited, the trusted representative will receive an invitation to the portal for the relevant entity and will be able to perform the required duties on behalf of the entity which they represent, including for example, the submission of industry funding business activity metrics.
The authorised person will only ever have to register and assign access to the trusted representative once for their entity.
User guides and documents for ASIC Regulatory Portal
User guides
- How to register (PDF 504 KB)
- How to log in (PDF 423 KB)
- How to connect to an entity (PDF 332 KB)
- How to invite someone to connect to an entity (PDF 351 KB)
- How to switch entities (PDF 256 KB)
- How to change access levels (PDF 557 KB)
- How to disconnect from an entity (PDF 202 KB)
- Service provider - how to act on behalf of an entity (PDF 289 KB)
- How to view invoices and reminder notices (PDF 637 KB)
- How to make a payment online via the portal (PDF 482 KB)
- How to view messages (PDF 608 KB)
- How to send a message about a transaction (PDF 597 KB)
- How to send a message about a Notice (PDF 414 KB)
- How to view Notices (PDF 498 KB)
- How to respond to a Notice (PDF 594 KB)
- How to restrict a transaction (PDF 1.1 MB)
User agreement
This agreement sets out the terms and conditions that apply to your use of the ASIC Regulatory Portal.
Download ASIC's regulatory portal user agreement (PDF 513 KB)
Third-party information consent template
Consent for disclosure and use of personal information related to a person who is not the applicant.
Frequently asked questions
Who is the portal for?
Currently, the portal provides service for:
- Regulated entities with industry funding obligations
- Self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) auditors
- Australian passport fund operators and foreign passport fund operators
- Trusted representatives of regulated entities – company employees, compliance officers, registered agents, or service providers
Over time, we will add services for:
- Existing or potential licensees and their representatives – Australian financial services licensees, credit licensees, market operators and managed fund operators
- Existing or potential registered professionals – registered liquidators, registered company auditors and authorised audit companies
- Organisations – officeholders or employees who notify or interact with ASIC on behalf of a regulated entity.
What can I do in the portal?
A range of regulatory services will be available through the portal in stages.
Regulated entities with industry funding obligations commenced using the portal in 2018. This will be an annual cycle.
Applications to be registered as an approved SMSF auditor are also now submitted via the portal. If you're an existing SMSF auditor – you will maintain your registration details and submit your annual statements from within the portal too.
What are the key features of the portal?
- Allows you to act on behalf of multiple entities (individuals or organisations) – for example, you may be an officeholder (director or secretary of a company) in which case you can register and claim that entity. You may then invite others to act on your behalf or you may be invited by an entity or an officeholder to act on their behalf in the portal.
- Uses information you have previously supplied to pre-fill applications and transactions.
- Tracks the status of your applications and transactions.
- Enables you to view invoices.
- Provides you with online payment options, including credit card.
- Ensures greater security through use of your own individual portal user account and password.
- Enables you to define user access levels that control what others can do on behalf of an entity (individuals or organisations) - for example, user access levels can be restricted so that some users can launch and edit a transaction, but they cannot submit it.
- Allows you to correspond with us through the portal about submitted applications or transactions.
- Allows you to view and respond to official notices.
Is there more support for portal users?
Yes, visit FAQs: Regulatory portal for more information and videos to assist you.
You can also refer to the user guides for the regulatory portal.
Related links
- Reportable situations for Australian financial services licensees
- Reportable situations for registered company auditors
- Industry funding
- SMSF auditors
- Registered liquidator transactions
- Asia Region Funds Passport
- Portal invitation key
- Assessments of eligibility to sit the financial adviser exam – provisional relevant providers