Internal dispute resolution data reporting

This page summarises:

See the IDR data reporting handbook (PDF 1.4 MB) for comprehensive information about IDR data reporting.

The IDR data reporting obligation

All Australian financial services (AFS) licensees who provide financial services to retail clients and all Australian credit licensees must submit an internal dispute resolution (IDR) report to ASIC.

Some types of unlicensed firms (including unlicensed product issuers and secondary sellers) must also submit IDR reports to ASIC: see Table 1 in the IDR data reporting handbook for more information.

When and how to submit IDR reports

Firms must submit an IDR report to ASIC every six months. The reporting periods are:

  • 1 January to 30 June, and
  • 1 July to 31 December.

A two-month submission window opens at the end of each reporting period. Submission windows are:

  • 1 January to end of February, and,
  • 1 July to 31 August.

Financial firms that had complaints during the relevant six-month reporting period must submit an IDR report to ASIC containing an IDR data file in machine-readable format, consistent with the specifications in the IDR data reporting handbook. Financial firms with no complaints are not required to submit an IDR data file; they must instead lodge a ‘nil submission’ through ASIC’s Regulatory Portal. In this scenario, the firm’s IDR report will simply confirm to ASIC that there were zero complaints for the firm during the reporting period.

ASIC has published an IDR data reporting Excel template (XSLX 12 KB). Firms may wish to download the template in order to easily submit their IDR data.

Financial firms must submit IDR reports via the ASIC Regulatory Portal.

Failure to submit a compliant IDR report during the submission window means a firm will be in breach of the IDR reporting requirements set out in ASIC Corporations (Internal Dispute Resolution Data Reporting) Instrument 2022/205 and may involve penalties. More information on penalties is available on ASIC’s Fines and penalties webpage.

Key downloads

Key documents for IDR data reporting are:

FAQs on IDR data reporting

For answers to common questions on IDR data reporting, see Frequently asked questions on IDR data reporting.

Further assistance

If you are having trouble registering on the ASIC Regulatory Portal, please contact us. You can avoid call wait times by submitting a query using our online inquiry form.

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Last updated: 27/06/2024 11:25